Hi all,
I'll be taking over the Tuba Forum Instagram account. I've thought a lot about what direction we should go, but realize a lot of you don't use that platform, and that's totally cool. Thanks Matt & Mark for thinking of me; I'm totally stoked to get this account more on the map!
Personally, I'd like to see this account be sort of an information/photo hub for all things tuba. The forum is a great resource, but doesn't get the attention that social media does, and I think by posting snippets of conversations here, the Instagram account could draw more attention.
Here are some of my initial ideas:
1) - Tubas For Sale - Want a little extra reach for your horn? Send me a PM. I'll try to post collections of like instruments for sale weekly. I'll simply screenshot your forum post and your tuba pictures and post them on the Gram. If I get no PMs, I'll just pick from what we have here already.
2) - General thoughts on popular makes/models, and links to threads on them if necessary. It would be cool to have a hub for, generally, how things play, how they sound, respond, etc. We talk about different tubas all the time. I'd merely find some images, and post some quick thoughts about whatever horn it is.
3) - Mouthpieces - I'll post some general thoughts on what I use, and what I see out on the forum and other places to help folks get an idea of what's out there and what works for what instrument. Same idea as above.
4) - Accessories - Gig bags, mutes, stands, anything else. I'll post some photos of stuff and again try and get people over here. We talk ad nauseum about all kinds of these things, and I have a decent collection myself to draw from.
5) - Great Deals - Maybe a little subjective, but if I see a horn around somewhere that's a really good price, I will also try and post it on the Gram.
6) Frankentubas/repair - People love to see restorations, frankentubas, and other modified tubas. I'd love to share some of your builds too. Again, just send me a PM. I can start with my own tubas, but that'll run out pretty quickly.
Hopefully that all sounds cool to you. Keep in mind - I'm just one (fully employed!) individual. I won't post stuff DAILY, but hopefully I can help get the forum some more attention, move your horn, and make all things tuba a little less confusing to those who aren't huge nerds like us.
- arpthark
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Re: Instagram
I don’t have an instagram account but occasionally browse it. Could you cross-post instagram stuff here on the forum? I’d love to see what you’re highlighting.