Tubas, euphoniums, mouthpieces, and anything music-related.
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I’ve made some weird purchases of opportunity in my day (usually tools and stuff like that), but what an oddly random thing to buy without knowing what kind it is. A tuba.
arpthark wrote: ↑Mon May 27, 2024 10:02 pm
Looks like a B&S model 102. Imported to the USA under various names like Meister Gerhard Schneider and Giardinelli. Does yours have an engraving?
Jake Kline's blog post here features a pic of a five valve Symphonie model:
Thanks for the link, Blake. I missed it somehow when I was looking for BBb Symphonie info on Jake's site. Maybe because I was searching for 103?
My new-to-me BBb Symphonie 102 (or 103?) is great to play, and I can't wait to get it into some good playing spaces and to see what it sounds like with other brass.
John Morris
This practicing trick actually seems to be working! playing some old German rotary tubas for free
Does it really matter, "what kind it is?" It's a tuba.
One year back in the '80s, the local folk music festival's yearly auction had a tuba. I don't remember the stencil, but similar eastern European thing maybe imported by a local music store. Among all the fiddles and various knicknacks, this giant brass thing. There was no ebay back then. The auctioneer went through every last ridiculous bundle of drumsticks and whatever, and then kind of made as if to wrap it up. "THE TUBA!!!" sounded from many throats. I took a shot at it, but it went far over my limit, and someone else went home with that big brass tuba with 4 rotary valves. What kind? Who knows?