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This is for buying or selling your personal equipment, but sponsored selling is allowed as well. We are requiring all ads to have the following information. Price, (even for trades) Brand, Model, and location (for instruments, not accessories) need to be included in the ad, or at least be very clear in link provided. It is acceptable to link to an external ad if you are promoting a sale of your personal equipment. No Ebay Auctions, but Buy it now listings are fine. Photos are HIGHLY suggested as well. If you see an ad that does not meet these criteria, please report it.
It's time to try again to sell this because I'm still not playing it (C and F tubas for me, lately). It's a little sentimental, since it's the first tuba I bought and its serial number is the same as the number of the house I grew up in. But I only bought it 5 years ago, so it's not like a lifelong friend.
1965 Miraphone Bb 186 with original recording bell and a Yamaha straight bell. Two main tuning slides: the original and a new one that's a couple inches longer to go with the straight bell.
The dent at the bottom bow that shows in some pictures has been smoothed out, and so has the little dent in the lead pipe. I should take some fresh pictures for that, but haven't yet. There are various nicks and bumps elsewhere; seems pretty good for a tuba that survived public schools. All the small tubing is good, the slides are straight, and the valves are great -- smooth and fast. It's a good player that's ready to be used.
I am not able to message you for some reason. Please message me so we can work this out.
Thank you!
The site has a feature where newer members have to reach a certain number of posts before the messaging system will work for you. Perhaps emails could be exchanged?
Good luck with the sale! This looks like a great deal on a great instrument!
Jordan King 2341 with Holton Monster Eb Bell
King/Conn Eb Frankentuba
Pan AmeriConn BBb Helicon
Yamaha YBB-103
"No one else is placed exactly as we are in our opportune human orbits."