Inexpensive setup for recording tuba from laptop/tablet

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Inexpensive setup for recording tuba from laptop/tablet

Post by gocsick »

Hey - just sampling from the groups collective wisdom.

So my son has several things coming up where he has to submit recordings with videos... Falcone, all states, seating auditions for honor ensembles etc. So far I haven't found a convenient way to make a recording that sounds halfway decent.

Here are the constraints..

1) Needs to work at home or from the front of an auditorium
2) Don't want to spend a bunch of money

Any suggestions??

I've gone through some older posts including these... but was wondering if anyone has any new ideas..

As amateur as they come...I know just enough to be dangerous.

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Re: Inexpensive setup for recording tuba from laptop/tablet

Post by sdloveless »

I'm currently using an Audio Technica AT2020 XLR mic and a USB audio interface, and it seems pretty OK. That might be a bit of hassle to drag along to live performances. There is a USB version of that mic that could be used with a laptop or, with the right adapter, an iPhone or Android device. ... =UTF8&th=1
Scott Loveless
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Re: Inexpensive setup for recording tuba from laptop/tablet

Post by Macanake2 »

Honestly, the Audio Technica AT2020 USB mic is a solid pick if you're looking for something easy and affordable. You just plug it into your laptop or tablet, and it gets the job done without a lot of hassle. It’s not gonna be studio-grade, but it sounds good enough for things like auditions or recording at home.
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