I talked to Mark about this, and he gave me permission to go ahead. I'm going to do my best to just make this a neutral PSA, but here are the facts:
- On Monday, Aug. 16, a poster on TubeNet asked about playing tuba after recovering from Covid. He had some residual issues affecting his playing, and how he's getting winded and tired faster than usual, and fits of dry coughing.
- Another TubeNet user mentioned that he had just recently bought a mouthpiece from OP, and it was very irresponsible of him to not disclose that information while selling mouthpieces.
- At this point, I can only assume there was an argument that broke out, but I'll never know, because:
- New admin deleted the followup posts for it getting "grossly off topic,"
- Person calling out OP was given a warning for "bullying and harassment" (not a ban warning)
Apparently, it was also noted OP was COVID-19 negative before making sales, but I think that's still a serious thing to go through and not even mention it. And I feel it's unacceptable to think it was at all okay to not mention you were Covid positive before selling used mouthpieces.
So, when buying used gear, assume it's been contaminated, and wash everything thoroughly. Especially mouthpieces.