It's a matte lacquer finished Rudy Meinl, and for my money it is drop dead gorgeous. The question that rattles around my head is how do you a horn from A to this, and it occurred to me I have no idea. I believe it's disassembly, stripping old lacquer, de-denting, buffing, more buffing, followed by reassembly, more buffing, then spraying on the lacquer. Am I correct in my guess?
I also guessing there are very few places in the US who would even take on this kind of work. I suspect Oberloh's shop could do this, Lee Stofer, and of course Joe. Beyond those three I'm not sure who else would even be an option nevermind trust to do a quality job. I have to think the application of matte lacquer could be at least as tedious as standard lacquer,
Disclosure: Yeah, I think this would be a cool way to re-finish my GB 188, someday, but I'd like to get a sense of the process and effort involved in something like this.