Tubas, euphoniums, mouthpieces, and anything music-related.
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It Is worth to be taken into consideration the Joseph Lidl LCB 702. It Is called a "student" model but it's a fine tuba. I had chance to play test some of them at the Lidl factory in Brno years ago, and I was impressed by the accuracy of making and the top quality valves. Less than 7 kilos of weight but a weightier sound. Lidl Is back in business with a new manager and I presume it's represented in the U.S... ?
gionvil wrote: ↑Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:16 pm
It Is worth to be taken into consideration the Joseph Lidl LCB 702. It Is called a "student" model but it's a fine tuba. I had chance to play test some of them at the Lidl factory in Brno years ago, and I was impressed by the accuracy of making and the top quality valves. Less than 7 kilos of weight but a weightier sound. Lidl Is back in business with a new manager and I presume it's represented in the U.S... ?
I have not seen Lidl on this side of the pond. Not saying it's not here, just that I haven't seen it.
I would be leery of ordering a tuba from Europe lest I ever had to send it back.
Wessex sent me a euph that was almost a full semitone sharp.
Negotiations ongoing but for now they have deducted US $200 = CAD 260 off the refund for shipping. I'm hoping that'll get sorted this week; as it sits I am less than impressed.
But if I ever got a horn I "just didn't like", return shipping is surely my responsibility, and the bigger the instrument (erm... TUBA!), the bigger the bill.
I have not seen Lidl on this side of the pond. Not saying it's not here, just that I haven't seen it.
The Horn Guys in California usually have a couple in stock when I visit their website fwiw
They do have a 702 listed, $3200, built to order, 90 days.
They also have a useful write-up.
I have never done business with this company but what I hear about them is pretty good.
Saw a post today about Willson's new Merlin small CC and thought about this thread.
Looks like a beefier 2j or a lot more like the old Marzan solo made by Bohm and Meinl Willson. Someone in Dallas was selling the latter a while back I think. . .I really wanted it.
Last edited by TheDoctor on Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
TheDoctor wrote: ↑Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:28 pm
Saw a post today about Willson's new Merlin small CC and thought about this thread.
Looks like a beefier 2j or a lot more like the old Marzan solo made by ̶B̶o̶h̶m̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶M̶e̶i̶n̶l̶ Willson. Someone in Dallas was selling the latter a while back I think. . .I really wanted it.
FYI, strike through can be done with the markup if you’d like. It renders evenly on all devices.
Having said that, this Willson sounds interesting. The main concern I would have is that it was built like a tank and weighs as much as a 5/4. They build great horns nonetheless.
FYI, strike through can be done with the markup if you’d like. It renders evenly on all devices.
Having said that, this Willson sounds interesting. The main concern I would have is that it was built like a tank and weighs as much as a 5/4. They build great horns nonetheless.
Thanks, I wasn't sure of the bbs code for it, but I found it in the utility bar as I type this. The Willsons have always been hefty horns when I've play tested them, but I've never owned one. OP doesn't mention weight being an issue, so I'm assuming he's a young adult that won't have much issue lugging a heavy horn around
FYI, strike through can be done with the markup if you’d like. It renders evenly on all devices.
Having said that, this Willson sounds interesting. The main concern I would have is that it was built like a tank and weighs as much as a 5/4. They build great horns nonetheless.
Thanks, I wasn't sure of the bbs code for it, but I found it in the utility bar as I type this. The Willsons have always been hefty horns when I've play tested them, but I've never owned one. OP doesn't mention weight being an issue, so I'm assuming he's a young adult that won't have much issue lugging a heavy horn around
Willson always had a smaller CC tuba model, the 4400. I wonder how similar or different the Merlin is from that (yes, or the Marzan). The Merlin is being marketed as lightweight, which in Willson terms, might mean any number of things.
FWIW, I really liked the Willson tuba that I owned, and do sometimes regret selling it. Ergonomics were a challenge, but it had a LOT going for it!
Also, Steve Shoop was the person selling the Marzan solo tuba. No idea if he's sold it or not. I'll have to send him a message and see if he'll come join us over here!
Since it was mentioned by Joe, the new Miraphone 494 BBb 3/4 Hagen looks like a nice tuba to me, but being brand new I am sure there are zero used examples for sale anywhere in the world at the moment, and it is by no means an inexpensive tuba…
These users thanked the author the elephant for the post:
yeah...Something tells me that's going to be a winner...as long as enough non-central Europeans get over CC-itis.
It should be pretty obvious that I’m looking at B-flat tubas again, but I remember when I would just automatically walk past all of them (in displays), and I would wager that there are a lot of people today who still behave in the same way.
the elephant wrote: ↑Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:47 pm
Since it was mentioned by Joe, the new Miraphone 494 BBb 3/4 Hagen looks like a nice tuba to me, but being brand new I am sure there are zero used examples for sale anywhere in the world at the moment, and it is by no means an inexpensive tuba…