20K bell save

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20K bell save

Post by bloke »

50% of the bell was pulled away (un-soldered) from the bell elbow, and the inside curve of the bell flare (where it was supposed to be soldered to the bell elbow) was wadded up into a ball - with compound creases (creases folded over themselves).

This was after two hours of efforts (and pissed off, because I was trying to get it done in an hour). The ugly at the bottom is where I ("hard" soldered) silver brazed a crack in the rim back together. I'll clean it up with a Dremel, I guess.

The stuff at the top right doesn't it exist. Obviously, my phone camera lens is filthy. I usually keep my phone in the house, but (yup) I had it out in the shop....should not have.

The missing silver (where it was all f'ed up) is not from me buffing the crap out of it, I barely went over the bell interior (lightly buffed it) with yellow buffing compound, to inspect/find little spots that were out of curve/out of round, and where small dents may have remained.

On the picture of the back, you can see where I soldered the two parts of the bell back together (after repairing the flare enough to make that possible).



fun? :smilie6:
rewarding? :eyes:
Show me the money. :thumbsup:
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Re: 20K bell save

Post by York-aholic »

Keeping high school music going one sousaphone at a time...

It would be interesting to see before pictures.

Probably something like this, but would still be interesting (to me at least):

Some old Yorks, Martins, and perhaps a King rotary valved CC
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Re: 20K bell save

Post by bloke »


You don' nee' no BEE-FOUR PEEK-TOORES.

I'm thinking that Mrs. bloke must have no memory whatsoever...
Whenever she sees crap like this, it's always something like "OH MY GOD !!!"...
...and it's not as if she hasn't - time-after-time - seen crap like this straightened back out.
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Re: 20K bell save

Post by bloke »

It's so thin that I'm opening up a dialogue (so far: monologue) with the band director about either replacing the flare (with maybe someone's 24" 20J flare, etc.) or replacing the entire bell, but putting a finish on this bell and having it as a spare...OR...

...sending this bell up to Anderson to get 3/1000ths of copper put on it (de facto 6/1000ths thicker) which should add a decent amount of stability (and then the subsequent silver would add another "most of a thousandth"...YET...light buffing (interior) and careful sandblasting (exterior) would take a thousandth or so back off, so...
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Re: 20K bell save

Post by York-aholic »

Rhino line it!
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bloke (Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:36 am)
Some old Yorks, Martins, and perhaps a King rotary valved CC
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Re: 20K bell save

Post by bloke »

York-aholic wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:20 am Rhino line it!
You know...
SOMEONE SOMEDAY should try making sousaphones out of fiberglass, plastic, or resin...
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Re: 20K bell save

Post by bloke »

When I was about 3/4th of the way through getting it straightened out, it was making some of those "work-hardened" noises...but - as it became more symmetrical (thankfully) - those noises stopped, and it behaved better.
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York-aholic (Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:12 pm)
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