Looking for Quintet Part George Cohan Medley arr Nagle

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Looking for Quintet Part George Cohan Medley arr Nagle

Post by Worth »

George M. Cohan Medley, arr. Nagle for Brass Quintet. There are two copyrighted versions of this piece. The first is hand penned and dated 1984 Musicians Publications (owned by a local brass quintet we know). The second is printed vs hand done and dated 1996, same publisher (owned by us). Comparing the Tuba part for the original arrangement (which we were given by them) with the rest of the our latter arrangement, they differ only in that the earlier one has a 5 measure intro (which the newer one does not have) and the newer one loses two measures somewhere toward the end. Also the ending of the newer piece seems to have been simplified and shortened. The original looks preferable but the latter copy which we own does not have a tuba part. There is a part included with ours called Tuba (sub for horn) which basically doubles the horn when read down one octave. Is this latter arrangement actually a quartet then, or a quintet with a missing part? Does anyone out there with knowledge of this arrangement maybe have a Tuba part for the newer arrangement if it exists? I can extrapolate and make things fit, but wondered if it was out there. Thanks for your help

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Re: Looking for Quintet Part George Cohan Medley arr Nagle

Post by hup_d_dup »

Paul Nagle has arranged many versions of the George M. Cohen Medley for different combinations of instruments. These include two brass quintets (of different difficulties) and a brass quartet. I don't know what your 1996 version is but based on your description it very likely could be a quartet.

My suggestion is simply buy a copy of the 1984 quintet since you are familiar with it anyway. I have this version also and it's a good arrangement.

Yes, I play tuba. What else is there to say?
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Re: Looking for Quintet Part George Cohan Medley arr Nagle

Post by ParLawGod »

Here you can see a sample of the woodwind quintet (and check out the bassoon part):

https://www.trevcomusic.com/products/mp ... rnagle-ww5
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Re: Looking for Quintet Part George Cohan Medley arr Nagle

Post by jtm »

ParLawGod wrote: Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:34 am Here you can see a sample of the woodwind quintet (and check out the bassoon part):

https://www.trevcomusic.com/products/mp ... rnagle-ww5
Funny thing about quintet is that bassoon gets solid bass lines more than in full band.
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Re: Looking for Quintet Part George Cohan Medley arr Nagle

Post by Worth »

Thanks ParLawGod & jtm, but that early woodwind arrangement you both indicate is the the brass version which I already have the tuba part for but nothing else. Hup, maybe the later version our group has is indeed a quartet arrangement, it would make sense. I will take your advice and stop being a cheap ass and just get it. IMO worth the money for days that include patriotic festivities! Thanks for the feedback!
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