My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

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My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Crymzon1980 »

I of course have given my tubas names even if it may sound corny, but even your instrument can have a name and a character :D

My tuba i have named Midas, even though he is Brass instead of pure gold ( ba dum tts ) and the bass i played years ago her name was Ol' Blue, only because her case inside was colored blue *facepalm*

If you have named your tuba, souzy, helicon, euph, or any low brass instrument, it'd be awesome to learn about them and the stories of how they got their names.

TSA Corps Tuba: Yamaha YEB 321-S
Hobby Tubas: B & H Regent 3/4 Tuba (IN remake)
Besson 788 3/4 BBb Tuba
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Schlepporello »

I have one name for all 6 of my tubas. MINE! :laugh:
Welcome aboard, Sir! I hope you eventually cross paths with Ray Grim. He organizes a lot of tuba related stuff in SA. Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
There are three things that I can never remember.
OK, make that four.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by bloke »

As I have explained to many times, I don’t have a “tuba collection”, but I do have several tubas that I “the best tuba for the gig“ often defines less need for preparation, an easier gig, and a better performance (which is becoming more and more important, as so many people seem to be recording live performances without permission and sticking them up on YouTube or Facebook).
Mrs. bloke has named all of them, but she’s named all of them all the same thing…
When I’m rushing out the door - in
in some configuration of black clothing, she hollers out their name: “Don’t forget YOUR TUBA !!!”
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by SteveP »

Of course I have names:

The Pan American
The Besson
and, last but not least by a long shot, The Reynolds.

Not real original but effective since I only have three. The wife is still really po'd that I bought that big Reynolds.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by bort2.0 »

My tuba is an inanimate object. I have never named my tuba, or any other inanimate object. :eyes:
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Crymzon1980 »

bort2.0 wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:44 pm My tuba is an inanimate object. I have never named my tuba, or any other inanimate object. :eyes:
He shall be named MiniBort2.0 :tuba:
SteveP wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:24 pm Of course I have names:

The Pan American
The Besson
and, last but not least by a long shot, The Reynolds.

Not real original but effective since I only have three. The wife is still really po'd that I bought that big Reynolds.
At least you know what kinds yours are , not even sure what manufacturer my current one could be considered LOL
Schlepporello wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:18 pm I have one name for all 6 of my tubas. MINE! :laugh:
Welcome aboard, Sir! I hope you eventually cross paths with Ray Grim. He organizes a lot of tuba related stuff in SA.
Thanks for the welcome btw :D
bloke wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:41 pm As I have explained to many times, I don’t have a “tuba collection”, but I do have several tubas that I “the best tuba for the gig“ often defines less need for preparation, an easier gig, and a better performance (which is becoming more and more important, as so many people seem to be recording live performances without permission and sticking them up on YouTube or Facebook).
Mrs. bloke has named all of them, but she’s named all of them all the same thing…
When I’m rushing out the door - in
in some configuration of black clothing, she hollers out their name: “Don’t forget YOUR TUBA !!!”
I hereby name the best one: Best Brass Bloke (is it a BBb btw ) :tuba:
TSA Corps Tuba: Yamaha YEB 321-S
Hobby Tubas: B & H Regent 3/4 Tuba (IN remake)
Besson 788 3/4 BBb Tuba
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by KingTuba1241X »

The last few were named Chance, Honey, Sarge and Mr. White
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by matt g »

I haven’t named mine, but the CC that I own that Matt Walters built has a “born on” date etched into the 5th rotor cap. It’s the same exact date (month, day, and year) that my oldest daughter was born.

I didn’t find out about that until months after I bought it. It doesn’t have a name, but I doubt I’ll be selling it. :-)
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by bloke »

I just remembered (particularly if I leave one them sitting in a room where it is in her way) that Mrs. bloke sometimes calls any one them “Tubby“.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Crymzon1980 »

matt g wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:00 am I haven’t named mine, but the CC that I own that Matt Walters built has a “born on” date etched into the 5th rotor cap. It’s the same exact date (month, day, and year) that my oldest daughter was born.

I didn’t find out about that until months after I bought it. It doesn’t have a name, but I doubt I’ll be selling it. :-)
That's a cool discovery ! :smilie8:
KingTuba1241X wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:18 am The last few were named Chance, Honey, Sarge and Mr. White
Nice names :)
bloke wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:47 am I just remembered (particularly if I leave one them sitting in a room where it is in her way) that Mrs. bloke sometimes calls any one them “Tubby“.
TSA Corps Tuba: Yamaha YEB 321-S
Hobby Tubas: B & H Regent 3/4 Tuba (IN remake)
Besson 788 3/4 BBb Tuba
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by RenoDoc »

My Belgian Mahillon that's getting redone is named "Frites"

My Hirsbrunner typically gets referred to as "My Swiss Miss" although I considered Rosti to keep the fried potato theme going.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by cjk »

My tuba is named "bass trombone" merely as an attempt to camouflage my frustrations as a player.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by RenoDoc »

matt g wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:00 am I haven’t named mine, but the CC that I own that Matt Walters built has a “born on” date etched into the 5th rotor cap. It’s the same exact date (month, day, and year) that my oldest daughter was born.

I didn’t find out about that until months after I bought it. It doesn’t have a name, but I doubt I’ll be selling it. :-)
Cool story!
Andy Pasternak
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by humBell »

If it were my responsibility to name tubas, then i have been negligent (or would that be derilect?)

I have played with a fellow tubist who introduced me to Linda, a fine fixed bell King 1240. The point made while playing together was: that much lip contact means you really should be on familiar terms...

I guess i just have not yet earned a tuba's respect.

Some day, i shall!

Oh well. In the meantime i'll just have to enjoy being called Mr. Windbag.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Name_Plate »

Well here is the story how my tuba and high schools bass trombone got named.

My tuba's name is large marge, named so because of its predicament of being stuck in my schools band closet for 30 some years. One day me and some of the others in brass decided to name the tubas at the school since a new Conn sousa. It was named the admiral because of how nice it was compared to the others. We named the other sousas and tubas with the highlights of the naming being Frankenstein's Monster for an old king fiberglass sousa, and the twin yamaha YBB 321's being named Stan and Lee, and my old school tuba was named Herb. We got around to large marge and couldn't figure out what to name it. So we decided to sleep on it... for 2 months. Eventually the day we were leaving for our marching band trip, one of the others said that the tuba was quite large. So I jokingly said we should name it large marge. The name has stuck since. Large Marge is now my personal tuba. I get to carry a little of my program with me whenever I play her.

My high schools bass trombone was named "Big B*tch," it was the last one to be named in the trombone section but we 'collectively' thought that it was the most fitting to go with the other names of the section such as "Original B*tch, Small B*tch, and Fancy B*tch." The section leader bestowed the names upon instruments so I did not have much say in it but her word was law. Big B*tch was a yamaha YBL 620G Bass Trombone, brand new for my senior year. I got to really play as intended for my last high school concert a few weeks before Corona. Trombone sectionals were fun in jazz, I really miss that group.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by prairieboy1 »

Three tubas and three names:
1916 Holton "Mammoth" - "Wooly", I started with "Smaug", however I decided that it was too nasty a creature to possibly have a tuba named after it.
1935 King "Symphony" Recording Bass - "Tubby", so named by my children many years ago.
1998 King 2341 -"King", named after American concert band icon, Karl King of Fort Dodge, Iowa. The composer of the very first march that I ever played in our community band, "Barnum and Bailey's Favourite".
1916 Holton "Mammoth" 3 valve BBb Upright Bell Tuba
1935 King "Symphony" Bass 3 valve BBb Tuba
1998 King "2341" 4 valve BBb Tuba
1970 Yamaha "321" 4 valve BBb Tuba (Yard Goat)
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Three Valves »

Only one. A Conn 20j nekkid lady we called "Betty" :tuba:
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by lost »

In high school I played the school bass clarinet that everybody told me was "Oscar." Always thought that was an appropriate name.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by bloke »

I just got a 4-valve front-action valveset for my not-yet-started stubby big-bell Holton B-flat project...

...Maybe (when finished) I'll name it Corn Pop, because it will be a bad dude.

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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Three Valves »

Thought Criminal
Mack Brass Artiste
TU422L with TU25
1964 Conn 36k with CB Arnold Jacobs
Accent (By B&S) 952R with Bach12
The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column
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