My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Tubajug »

My BBb frankentuba (raw brass King 2341 with a silver Holton monster Eb beek and bottom bow on it) is named "Little Miss Mischief" after a silver B-17 from WWII that was badly damaged and fixed up by replacing her back half with that of a different B-17 that was painted in the olive drab color scheme. She became somewhat famous for her "curious" paint scheme.

I've sometimes referred to my Eb frankentuba as "King Conng" simply because it's part King, part Conn.

King 2341 with Holton Monster Eb Bell
King/Conn Eb Frankentuba
Pan AmeriConn BBb Helicon
Yamaha YBB-103

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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by WC8KCY »

Giving names to tubas? That's silly.*

My double bass is named "Goldie". :smilie2:

*one of my tubas is a Holton, and was named Frank long before I got it. Says so right on the bell rosette.
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by humBell »

I think i miss a reference. How is Corn Pop a bad dude?

Sounds like a breakfast cereal to me...

Bad Dude on the other hand is an interesting name to consider...
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by WC8KCY »

bloke wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 6:32 am I just got a 4-valve front-action valveset for my not-yet-started stubby big-bell Holton B-flat project...

...Maybe (when finished) I'll name it Corn Pop, because it will be a bad dude.

Why not inscribe Frank N. Holton (Framkenholton) on the bell once the conversion is done?
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by bloke »

That's a pretty cool idea, but it already nearly says that on there...and in fairly large engraving (similar to that found on the earlier 1960's model 345 instruments).
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by jonesbrass »

Willson 3050S CC, Willson 3200S F, B&S PT-10, BMB 6/4 CC, Yamaclone JFF-303
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Re: My Tuba's name is... Have you named your instruments?

Post by Doc »

I guess I have never named tubas, as I often think of them as tools. I've called tubas by their proper names: Rudy, Alex, Kurath, Kanstul, Conn, Hagen, Fossi, or by their model names/numbers, but I've never made pet names for them. I have referred to my 186 as the "blokespecial 186," but that's not quite the same as a pet name. The wife calls it "Joe's tuba". I guess it would be ok to name them in the same way you would name a boat or ship. And like seaworthy vessels, I certainly have christened them with bottled beverages, albeit blown down the leadpipe instead of struck across the bow.
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