polling interest: Reynolds E-flat 3-valve front-action recording bass

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Are you PERSONALLY interested in owning this?

nope, but I like chocolate and cheese.
Total votes: 12

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polling interest: Reynolds E-flat 3-valve front-action recording bass

Post by bloke »

BEFORE I pull it down, clean it up, knock out some dents, photograph it, upload pictures, and chat about it here...

Is there ANY interest in a Reynolds E-flat detachable recording bell -3-valve front-action tuba which has been re-lacquered, features worn lacquer, sports a couple of patches, and has not-really-leaky but not-that-good-looking valves...
...IF I price it low enough (but also charge for my time/trouble required to pack it, if shipped)...


To shelter the timid, I'm offering an anonymous POLL, here.

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Re: polling interest: Reynolds E-flat 3-valve front-action recording bass

Post by bloke »

thanks for the clicks, so far...
One "yup" is enough to list it here.
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Re: polling interest: Reynolds E-flat 3-valve front-action recording bass

Post by Doc »

I just paid Uncle Sam my required contribution for last year :gaah: , so any interest I have won't be expressed in Yankee dollars in the immediate future.
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