Octoberfest/Octubafest - sort of

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Octoberfest/Octubafest - sort of

Post by Jperry1466 »

The 89 year old member of our tuba ensemble wanted desperately to play with the group, so he got permission from the assisted living facility staff for us to go in and play Octoberfest music. They have been in lockdown, and his wife just passed away a few weeks ago, so this was some needed therapy for him. Interestingly, he can't drive over to practice with us (where there is nobody else), but we can go in to his facility to practice. Corporate rules, you know. We had an appreciative crowd and were served a quasi-German dinner with real German beer. The three college students that filled out the group backed out "due to covid concerns, so we had to had to revert to our trio versions of everything at the last minute. He doubled the 3rd part. We only had to wear masks until we got our temperature taken. Note the bell "bras".
Tuba Quartet with Dean.jpg
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Re: Octoberfest/Octubafest - sort of

Post by Doc »

I'm sure he needed that. It was great for you to get it worked out.

And it's great to be able to play when you can , especially during Coronamadness. Not much live music going on this year, HOWEVER...

...If you find yourself down our way on Oct 24, come to the Oktobierfest in Round Top. Guaranteed to enjoy good food, good bier, good company, and three bands playing Oktoberfest music, Austrian yodeling, and blasmusik. I'll buy you something cold to drink.
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Re: Octoberfest/Octubafest - sort of

Post by Jperry1466 »

Thanks! That's a long trip from north Texas, but I'm very familiar with the area having spent 11 years of my teaching career in that area. If I can get there, I will look you up. :tuba:
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Re: Octoberfest/Octubafest - sort of

Post by Doc »

Understood on distance being prohibitive. We don't live in a small state! Hopefully, I'll have some videos from the event.
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