The 661 is now somewhat rare, but was highly thought of when they came out in 1984 (to '93). The are, to me, a Yamaha piggy, with an .812 bore and 16.5 inch bell. This one was purchased from a well-known professional player, but I will leave it to him to chime in, if he chooses.
This horn has clearly been played, though it is in good mechanical shape and has good compression. I used it on a couple of concerts 2-3 years ago. The finish also indicates that it has been played, as there are some scratches, and rough spots in the lacquer. I have tried to include close ups of some of the worst example defects in the finish. But to me the horn easily passes even a 5 foot test for cosmetic appearance.

The horn is in Austin TX, and due to time constraints, I am currently looking for a buyer who can pick up locally, and have tried to price the horn accordingly, at $3,700 (including a gig bag in good condition)
MikeL y n ch3 9 8 5 a-t m a c. c om