REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

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REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by the elephant »

Is it worth the hefty $500 (with silver plating — $679 with gold plating!!!) price tag? Is it a gimmick? Is it magic? <snicker>

So I dropped the $$$ needed to get one of these mouthpieces, fully recognizing that I probably would never use it at work. I also fully recognized that this weird piece of gear could teach me a lot about mouthpieces very quickly. I figured that the education itself would be worth the money, especially if I could then sell the mouthpiece for a decent chunk of what I spent on it. (I *KNOW* there are a dozen or so “mouthpiece guys” here who would buy this simply because of what it is and who it is associated with, and it *is* a very cool and interesting piece of gear — I do not fear a complete loss of my money because someone will want this (minus the initial depreciation.)

It arrived about an hour ago and I immediately dropped what I was doing and got the Yamaha out for some play-testing.

First impression — it is SHORT. I mean, like 3/4" shorter than many mouthpieces. I have no idea why this is; it just is. I was afraid that it would not properly seat in my YamaYork's receiver, which is one of those over-long ones that rides about a half inch farther up the shank of a mouthpiece than normal — for whatever reason.

Regarding that receiver: I have noted that "Euro" mouthpieces usually fit pretty well, but do not *play* all that well, as I think they seat too far out. I was convinced that it was an "E" receiver when I first bought it, but for some reason, I tried both my "E" and "A" PT-88s and the "A" one simply plays a lot better. It also seats very deeply into this very long receiver. So I bought a lot of new mouthpieces for this tuba, as I decided that the new, spendy tuba deserved to be trialed with some new mouthpiece designs along with my big box of old ones. In the end, I found five that I liked, but all were "E" shanks, and now I wanted to see how the same ones compared with the "A" shank seating in the receiver.

Oddly enough, neither shape was a clear winner. For some reason, BOTH shapes fit without any perceptible wobble. I do not know how this is possible, but there it is — I am not going to over-analyze it; both seem to fit this tuba very well. In some cases, the "A" bests the "E" version of certain mouthpieces (for *me*) while the reverse is also true for some. In some cases, the two versions are *very* different, while in some there is little to no perceptible difference.

Go figure.

With that in mind, here we go with this funky, new thing I bought…

Okay, so it is short. It is so short with such a long cup/sleeve that it looks weird. I took it out of the box and thought, "Damn, that is one weird-looking mouthpiece." (True story, brah.)

It has some very nice machine work, but the threads are, of necessity, bare brass. The fit is very tight, to prevent leakage of all that nice air pressure we push into the cup as we play. So where these two parts meet and turn against one another the silver has been worn down. Each of these is hand-turned, one at a time, and I believe that this is why. To ensure a proper fit you have to mess with it a lot, making them overly tight and then (probably) hand-lapping them to the correct tolerance, then slapping on a dot of thin grease to keep things moving as designed. All this handwork adds up to a lot of $$$ on the old time clock for the maker.

So all of this handwork to ensure the precise fit that allows them to turn yet not leak guarantees a very high price. Okay, so *that* has been adequately explained to me, now…

So, the plating at the contact points is crappy looking, as you would expect when it has been lapped off — the edges where the parts meet are not as precise as the plating is thin. So the edges are slightly feathered and imperfect. THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM. (Funny, but in a community where we like to say that catastrophic dents are cosmetic and "don't affect playability" when we want to offload something is the same group that will torpedo a product that is not perfect, cosmetically, in photos, and who think that a nicely cleaned exterior of a soldered tubing joint is an example of "excellent fit and finish" without regards to the INTERIOR of the joint, which is all that matters to a tech who is describing "fit and finish". Just some observations…)

So to get this to function properly the plating is lapped down where the two parts meet. The edges of those "zones" are cosmetically less-than-beautiful. If you understand how this works and how it is fitted together post-plating then we can see that this is not a factor.

Back to the shank: It fits the YamaYork's receiver just like most "A" shank mouthpieces: deeply, but without any wobble at all. It is a very secure fit. But as short as this mouthpiece is, it just BARELY fits. The pitch of the tuba goes up a small amount, accordingly — but not as much as I had expected.

As Jake said about this mouthpiece, the balance between fundamental and overtones is what it alters. It makes the sound "darker" or "brighter" (insert your own understanding of those terms and leave me out of it, please), and that is happening, here. However, while real and something you can both hear and feel, it is not as great a difference as I had envisioned. (I used a real oscilloscope, but cannot figure out how to record the readout for my laptop. Sorry, I get some of my tech from pawnshops, so it can be some pretty ancient stuff. And this one is simply a loaner that I have to return on Tuesday.)

What my limited experience with oscilloscopes tells me is that with the cup screwed down to the stops it sounds and feels (to *me) a lot like a Miraphone C4, and with the cup all the way open it is more like my late-1960s Conn Helleberg. (The 120, not the little 7B.) It stays on the brighter side, meaning more overtones. It has a very neutral feel and tone, being clear and colorful in all ranges. It is not as good in the low register as my very large Warburton TG-1, but is better above the staff, regardless of the cup depth setting.

The rim is very nice, but is a smidge more rounded than what I normally choose for myself. However, I like it and could become used to it in a matter of hours. The width of the rim opening is also pretty comfy for me, so fairly wide. I have not measured it, but the specs are on the website. I will get my tools out and confirm their numbers with the actual mouthpiece at some point, but probably not anytime soon, as that is not something that interests me.

So — on the YamaYork — this is a clear, colorful mouthpiece that makes some very nice sounds, regardless of the cup depth. I tend to like the shallowest setting more, right now. I need to spend some time reading Bordogni and Blazhevich to better understand what this piece is like. And, honestly, I need to do so outside of my bedroom and in the "bullpen" down at the concert hall. (The low brass have used the loading dock area backstage for decades as our personal Green Room where we warm up, practice, snooze, or shoot the breeze during tacets at work. It has a pretty darned good sound for low brass for a loading dock/workshop area.) I will call the stagehand office to see if they will let me sneak in there sometime this summer for a few hours.

I like this mouthpiece a LOT more than I had anticipated. The pitch and response are very even and neutral and are predictable. The mouthpiece has a rim that I like. It does not seem to want to turn out of adjustment while I play it (due to the snug fit). It places my face almost on the bell, just like in the photos of Jake using it.

The weird, short leadpipe with its weird, 45º angle that so many here are prone to fuss about is not an issue for me whatsoever, placing the tuba in what happens to be a very good position (again, for "me"). But this mouthpiece challenges that a bit. I did not have an issue with either holding the horn or seeing music, but — well — it looks weird.

All in all, I am glad I decided to drop this much money on one of these. I do not think I will be selling it — at least not anytime soon.

This surprises me.

A lot.

One last note: The fit is not as precise as it could be. If it were then the piece would regularly seize up. The fit is made loose enough to ensure this does not happen. The slack is taken up with the thin grease used between the two halves. However, the tolerances are tight enough that, when inserted into the receiver on the tuba, when you dial the cup in you can hear a tiny bit of air hissing out as the gap inside closes.

That is a pretty snug fit.

I'm impressed.

But that means that a very tiny amount of grease blows into the cup — and it tastes pretty nasty.

I suppose I should have washed it out before that first use…


Warburton TG-1 and CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup length difference…

Warburton fit in YamaYork receiver. The Warburton is a Euro shank and sticks out a lot farther than normal. In this one case, the Euro version of a mouthpiece plays better for me. I have the "A" shank version, too.

AJ AC dialed to shallowest depth…

AJ AC dialed to deepest depth…

Shallowest depth, full of spit (sorry…). Note the feathered appearance of silver in the cup from what I am guessing is hand-lapping work. Also, while this felt and sounded most like my Miraphohe Rose Solo, it is a lot deeper than that. Not sure why this is, but it is.

Deepest depth. This is a lot like a Rose Orchestra in its depth, but it feels and plays shallower for me, like an old Conn Helleberg. I was hoping for more of a Rose-Orchestra-with-a-better-rim from this, but it does not sound/feel like that to me.

Rim profile… not too shabby…

Please note that CHIBrass is associated with Windsong Press and sells these. Matt Frost of Frost Custom Brass makes them to order. I am not Google; look them up yourself. I was not paid for this review. I dropped my own hard-earned shekels to get one of these things. And so far I like it a lot more than I had imagined I would. We'll see how this pans out over the next season, though.

More later…
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by York-aholic »

Thanks for writing that out. It was an interesting read. :clap:
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by IROB »

Glad you like it!

Your review and comments are right on point with my own.

I would add a few thoughts

I like this mouthpiece and it has specific uses on my Nirschl York. I never expected it to be a great mouthpiece just a specialized tool however, I love it and use it as one of my main F mouthpieces. Also works quite well on my Besson Eb. Give it a try on your bass tuba(s) and let me know what you think. The shorter bugle is impacted more by the cup adjustments that the longer wider horn.

Brian and I just met yesterday going over the costs. The reality is these mouthpieces have to be hand made in small batches by a master craftsman, it takes twice the raw materials, essentially making 2 mouthpieces then cutting down and creating the threads, this is highly skilled and time intensive work, then once done the plating costs twice what one mouthpiece would (gold is a huge amount more) and then the final fitting is an art of itself and takes time. Matt Frost is true artist and has been a great partner with us on making this mouthpiece available. One of these costs us almost 5 times as much as making a regular once piece mouthpiece. This is never going to be a highly profitable product it is about getting some of Mr. Jacobs' unique and special mouthpieces out to those interested with his name out to continue his legacy. If 50 years from now some kid is given this mouthpiece and looks up who Arnold Jacobs that is the reason Brian and I decided to do this project together.

The first batch was huge risk and we had no idea if anyone would want one but the first batch of 5 has sold out pending payment and pick up from one local purchaser.

The shank is indeed unique and identical to the original. Description of shank is on our website. ... ce-silver/

For the grease on the threads issue what I do with mine is keep it dry and when not in use apart in a double mouthpiece pouch. Another option could be to use a thin vegetable oil rather than a petroleum product. In any case if it ever gets stuck take it to a shop as the original has plier marks on the shank from less than idea tools being used.

Brian owns the original and I am sure he has some additional experience with it to provide.
Last edited by IROB on Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by bloke »

never played one of those, so nothing informed to say (OK...opinion: "They're cool.") - other than re: "thread grease".

non-toxic/non-hardening (ideal?) thread grease (if there's barely-barely a tiny air leak, or for whatever reason), is a Dow Corning (clear in color) product known as 111.

It's FDA approved (in the event that a bit ends up being swallowed).

I have a little hard plastic white threaded tub of it, that I use when shipping out complete mouthpieces.
It's been quite a few years since any of our threads leaked, but - leak or no leak - the stuff makes thread rotation a nicer experience.
As most of our stuff has been stainless, it's not particularly forgiving, and the 111 defines threading the parts together as feeling more like threading non-ferrous (softer/smoother/comforming) metals together.

This little 2 oz. tub (bought years ago) should last well beyond my time to croak.
(too much for an end-user to purchase)


This 1/5 oz. squeeze-pillow is plenty-plenty-plenty...


...and it has to be FDA (and NSF) approved, because scuba divers use it to lubricate the O-rings in their equipment, as they breath past this stuff.

...To find out more, click here:
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by the elephant »

I did not mean to imply that this mouthpiece "leaks". It does not.
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by iiipopes »

the elephant wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:23 pm I did not mean to imply that this mouthpiece "leaks". It does not.
No, we didn't take it that way. But if you are going to play the mouthpiece in more than one setting, or leave it on the shelf for an extended period of time, a little "schmear" of lube will help keep it adjustable.

BTW - Rim i.d. measurement?
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by IROB »

Rim ID is 32.766 mm

Photo I took today of the original next to the copy

[img][/ ... 24x768.jpg]
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by brianf »

This is a copy of an adjustable cup mouthpiece that Mr. Jacobs gave me and I have used for 25+ years. It is a specialty mouthpiece, not an “everyday” mouthpiece.

Mr. Jacobs said “chose a mouthpiece for it’s sound, not it’s feel.” He would bring several mouthpieces on stage during rehearsals to find the mouthpiece with that would give him the desired sound for whatever the CSO was playing - especially when he needed to thin the sound down on his York tuba for pieces like Brahms #2, Italian opera and others. He worked with Renold Schilke for this adjustable cup mouthpiece. Here he could adjust the cup and the overtone series fundamental for the desired sound. He even used this for the Midsummer Night’s Dream playing it on the York! I have used it the same way even though I played the Midsummer Night’s Dream on a Besson E flat and it worked great. It is a lot easier switching mouthpieces rather than horns for various pieces on a concert.

This is a direct copy of the mouthpiece, the measurements are the same and I compared the original with the reproduction back and forth on various horns including a G-50 and a Floyd-o-phone. The machining is great. I like the comments made about fabricating the treads – I will try this.

Yes, it is not for everyone. It took me a while to figure out how and when to use it. It works great on a small horn but is great to thin the sound down on a 6/4 tuba!
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by UncleBeer »

Seems like an odd place in the cup to make it adjustable: way down in the bottom. Here are pix of my KingRoss adjustable which adjusts much closer to the rim.

jpeg-optimizer_IMG_20240624_153912688.jpg (178.17 KiB) Viewed 1395 times
jpeg-optimizer_IMG_20240624_153949138_HDR.jpg (187.57 KiB) Viewed 1395 times
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by bisontuba »

I see they raised the price….
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by bloke »

Someone copyright "Dial-'n'-Smile" !!! :bugeyes: :thumbsup:
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by matt g »

UncleBeer wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:46 pm Seems like an odd place in the cup to make it adjustable: way down in the bottom.
I’d agree with this. The typical mouthpiece has ‘walls’ that are much closer to straight near the rim as compared to where the ‘walls’ curve in and taper to the throat.

Extending near the rim would make seem to the most stable option in that the taper to the throat is maintained and simply the volume of the cup is increasing or decreasing as the user adjusts this cup.

Having said that, the introduction of a linear ‘wall’ in the middle of the taper might introduce some sort of interesting acoustic effects that are desirable in some instances.
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by donn »

Totally worthless opinion: my least favorite mouthpieces have had a somewhat cylindrical profile at the top.
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by MiBrassFS »

I think it’s great that these are being made. A useful piece of history lives on. The King Ross pieces are also interesting. A different take on a similar theme. Where each elongates the cup seems to be done to enhance the given style of cup. I have limited first hand with either, but it strikes me that the King Ross elongates a bowl shape doing it nearer the rim in the straightest area and the Schilke AJ is done such a way that it tries to effectively elongates a funnel shape and in doing so leaves alone the area nearest the interface with the player and the area approaching the throat.

Like I said, I have limited firsthand experience with these. I have seen a King Ross and the original Schilke AJ in person, but am no expert on either. Just glad they exist.
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by bloke »

yet another opinion:
Both are cool, but someone giving you a big block of smoked Gouda cheese - when you invite them over for hamburgers - plus bringing two huge homemade key lime pies and leaving them behind as well.. now that's REALLY cool. :smilie8:

(satirizing how excellent topics here get talked out, yet continued to be talked often guilty as charged)
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Re: REVIEW: CHI Brass AJ Adjustable Cup Mouthpiece

Post by MiBrassFS »

Gerald Endsley apparently made some adjustable cup tuba mouthpieces. Someone I know had one (he said it grew legs and wandered away from his college teaching studio…). He said it was set up similarly to the Sarad (those weren’t made in tuba sizes from what I understand) and King Ross pieces with a lock ring and scale markings on them. It would be interesting get all of these together to do a compare and contrast.
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