Oddly enough, I think it sports the standard whole step 5th. Not a flat whole step, just a whole step. If ya want it flat, ya gotta pull out both parts of the compound slide…
Yup -- if you bite on his, he buys the other one and immediately resells to you with the few hundred profit. It's in his feedback that he does that on a regular basis. Flipper.
I did rather well a couple times -- got my oboe and my Sterling euph at good prices and both excellent instruments. The oboe was almost a steal, because it wasn't a Loree but a Rigoutat. Both those purchases were pre- covid by years, and things everywhere have, um, changed. I've even recently found used-car-salesman techniques being used for medical practices: "We won't tell you if we take Medicare (they don't) but come on in for an evaluation so we can talk you into spending a bunch of money here."