Whenever I cross a state line on a freeway during the daytime, I pick up a PAPER state map.I went from physical maps to using Google maps, and can do either equally comfortably.
Mapping on my phone offers "instructions"...in addition to having to zoom in/out and (all too easily) losing track of what I'm looking at.
Paper maps offer "mapping".
If I don't have a paper map, I go to google maps on my desktop computer and print out some paper maps prior to a new-areas journey...OK, or (if really simple) I just memorize it. (On my recent trip to Reelfoot Lake, I just looked at the trip on my desktop computer, remembered it and drove with the phone in my pocket...not complicated, even through hours-long and boondocks-y.)
Phone stuff is OK as a supplement, but tends to offer a "mole's" (tunnels) perspective, whereas I prefer an "eagle's" (from above, rather than "as I pass through tunnels") perspective.
I'm sure it's due to my personality, but (for some of the same reasons) I reject iPhones in favor of Android phones, as iPhones (their snooty-poot pricing aside) tend to boss me around, whereas Android phones seem more ready to allow me to boss them around. I need a tool, and not a boss.
bloke "whose entire 3-person cell phone plan costs around $12/mo., and who finds a $225 Android phone to be just dandy."