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Re: I'm becoming more like a community band nerd.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:46 pm
by Rick Denney
A large binder clip around the sliding tube of a music stand solves the problem of it sinking. I don’t have the problem usually with Manhasset stands, but it’s a manufactured feature of Wenger stands.
IMG_1093.jpeg (112.69 KiB) Viewed 377 times
And it will serve in wind as well, though that thought reminds me I forgot about the two wooden clothes pins I keep in my gadget bag.

Rick “brings his own stands for the iPad” Denney

Re: I'm becoming more like a community band nerd.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:03 pm
by bloke
I'll leave busted stands up to the stage managers.

Re: I'm becoming more like a community band nerd.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:22 am
On tuba gigs:
blokepiece Imperial and Robert Tucci RT-64 mouthpieces
Hetman's #3 oil
Music folio
Mechanical pencil
Stand light
...all of which can be stashed easily in the music pocket of my E-flat tuba bag and BB-flat tuba case.

On clarinet gigs:
Boosey & Hawkes 8-10 wood clarinet
Yamaha YCL-20 composite clarinet
Grabner K14e, Brihart Tonalin 4-on-table, and Brilhart Ebolin 1 mouthpieces
Vandoren Optimum (dual-rail plate), Rovner 1R, and Bonade Inverted ligature/cap sets
Boxes of reeds:
  • Olivieri Elite 2,0
  • Vandoren 56 Rue Lepic 2,5
  • Vandoren V21 3,0
  • Vandoren V12 3,5
  • Mitchell Lurie 4,0
  • La Voz Medium-Hard
Fibracell Premier and Legere synthetic reeds in a Reedgard IV
K&M clarinet stand
Music folio
Stand light
Mechanical pencil
Korg tuner
Jeweller's screwdrivers
Jewel silk clarinet swabs
...all of which just barely fits in a large leather attache case. With all this clarinet junk in it, it seems to weigh about as much as my sousaphone.

It's shocking, really, how often I end up doling out reeds or loaning my "extra" clarinet to keep a fellow clarinetist going during a rehearsal or performance.


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:26 am
by Dents Be Gone!
I agree, guys. This is the way to go.

Re: I'm becoming more like a community band nerd.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:48 am
by Three Valves

I just experienced the dreaded sinking stand last night!

Electrician's tape to the rescue. :tuba:

Re: I'm becoming more like a community band nerd.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:19 am
by Mary Ann
I have experienced stinker (oops, sinker) stands only when they are supplied by others, such as at rehearsals held at high schools. Mine own would not DARE sink.

I don't have as much stuff in my bag as some of you --- tuba bag has my one mpc, my seat pad kit, two of those very long clothespin type things for when we end up in the wind (added after the TG thing at which none of us had the expectation of being outside) and a couple towels for spit and bell, shelf liner to go on slick chairs so the bow doesn't slip, but I have stopped taking the tuba stand because I can always make the seat pad kit work.

Horn -- much simpler, not so many towels, no seat pad kit, but extra mpc and valve oil and slide lube. And EAR PLUGS because it seems I always am in extremely high dB areas when playing horn.

Cor Anglais / oboe -- instrument, Manhasset / Peak, Hook, shelf, reeds, water / cup, hope. I would like to reach a point where hope is not a major factor.

Re: I'm becoming more like a community band nerd.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:02 am
by bloke
My Manhasset stand at home tends to sink, but I have every possible ridiculous accessory mounted on it including the plastic rack, heavy stuff on that rack (tools, oils, mouthpieces, metronomes, tuners) left and right hand extenders for three and four page pieces of music, and also probably 8 or 10 books or more on the thing, PLus a not-lightweight LED stand light, so I really can't expect it's spring to hold up all that crap.

... oh yeah it's got the three rubber feet as well, but those don't add to the weight that the spring has to hold up.

You see, I do buy nerdy accessories, but I just don't drag much it to rehearsals - other than a very tiny amount of it.