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Re: Rudolf Meinl vs

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:47 am
by arpthark
bort2.0 wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:45 am The Lidl tubas look nice, although they still have that nearly-horizontal 5th valve paddle that I never liked on the Cerveny tubas. I'm sure that's not too hard to fix, but I've never quite understood it. Maybe it's just me!
It's just a Lidl bit of a problem.

Re: Rudolf Meinl vs

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:22 pm
by Mary Ann
^^^ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Re: Rudolf Meinl vs

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:21 am
by LeMark
Boo that man!

Re: Rudolf Meinl vs

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:29 am
by bloke
Mein'l not have that problem.

Re: Rudolf Meinl vs

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:33 am
by BoerkeNys
Hi, I play an old Rudi 4/4 BBb with only 4 rotary valves. We bought it second hand 30 years ago for 100.000 BFR, that’s 2.500 €. For years I used Dennis Wick mouth pieces and I liked it, though it was hard to play with nuance and even harder to articulate fast. But for what I needed, it was ok.

A few years ago I bought a batch of 5 used tuba mouth pieces - just because they were cheap - and I remember the first time I plugged in a Perantucci PT-65. It felt like a devine revelation (no god in particular, preferably none). The Rudi came to life. And I felt like a pro. Completely different feel, extremely flexible in volume and sound/colour, extended high range (still difficulties in the really low range, but hey, my lungs are getting old too).

And to complete my story, I have 2 ratty old (but charming) sousaphones (Bb/BBb) and they need 2 completely different mouth pieces…

So my tip for you, if you think you need a new tuba - or a second one - start playing on your trusted tuba and build embouchure, then make an appointment, go to the biggest shop in your neighbourhood with your tuba and try as many mouth pieces as you can on your tuba. When the skies open, you’re lucky, like me, and you just need a new mouth piece. And you surely will love playing it again. If not you start your search, try as many as you can (even those you can’t afford) (and with different mouth pieces!) and take your time. If it doesn’t feel like love at first sight (hear), it’s not the one.

I’m looking for a nice Eb, 4 (or 5) valves in one hand, as a little brother for Rudi. For maybe 3 years now. So hopefully soon …