Kurath — Am I Finallyl Finished?
Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 10:45 am
Okay, so what more could I possibly want to do to this poor tuba?
• Since I am pretty certain where the slides have to go to play this horn effectively, I can now adjust the outer tubes of slides 2 and 6. They are still super short. The inner slides are cut correctly now, and things just look odd as they are. Do I *need* to do this? No. Will I do this? Yes. Probably. Maybe. Eventually.
• The leadpipe mounting hardware (at the receiver end) is off by about a millimeter, so it has to be flexed just a bit to screw it down. Leadpipe tension bad. Mongo fix.
• All that "cleanup" about which I keep complaining? Yeah, I've not even started that hated process, and I need to get it done.
• I need to remake the linkage rods out of longer stuff. I am going with two brass rods of the needed length that have the same OD, which sucks because they are much heavier than what I have right now. I wonder how deeply I can center-drill them to remove some weight. Syme would call this doubleplusungood.
• The plate to which the lever rack is mounted needs to be re-shaped.
I will post about all this as I do it. I think each project will be in its own thread, though, as my epic tomes are pretty ridiculous.
Thanks for reading.
Okay, so what more could I possibly want to do to this poor tuba?
• Since I am pretty certain where the slides have to go to play this horn effectively, I can now adjust the outer tubes of slides 2 and 6. They are still super short. The inner slides are cut correctly now, and things just look odd as they are. Do I *need* to do this? No. Will I do this? Yes. Probably. Maybe. Eventually.
• The leadpipe mounting hardware (at the receiver end) is off by about a millimeter, so it has to be flexed just a bit to screw it down. Leadpipe tension bad. Mongo fix.
• All that "cleanup" about which I keep complaining? Yeah, I've not even started that hated process, and I need to get it done.
• I need to remake the linkage rods out of longer stuff. I am going with two brass rods of the needed length that have the same OD, which sucks because they are much heavier than what I have right now. I wonder how deeply I can center-drill them to remove some weight. Syme would call this doubleplusungood.
• The plate to which the lever rack is mounted needs to be re-shaped.
I will post about all this as I do it. I think each project will be in its own thread, though, as my epic tomes are pretty ridiculous.
Thanks for reading.