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Tuba Tuesday: De Prins Bros., CC tuba, 4 piston, ca.1960

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:00 pm
by bisontuba
This Tuba Tuesday the Museum closes the year featuring a De Prins Bros. CC 4 front action piston tuba, imported by Walter Sear, c. 1960.


From Horn-U-Copia: “Petrus De Prins Established his Firm in Borgerhout Antwerpen.

DePrins Logo During the first World War production was stopped. In 1918 De Prins sons Karel, Gustaaf and Louis started up the firm again as Gebroeders (brothers) De Prins and they continued into the 1950s. Pre WWI horns from DePrins are engraved DEPRINS and post WWI Horns are engraved DEPRINS Gebr. or DePrins Freres.

imported by Walter Sear, NY. Walter Sear was involved in the design of the instrument

In the 1980s, DePrins stopped producing Brass instruments. They were all handmade and they could not compete with automated firms. They kept their Musical Instrument shop for another 10 years. The biggest part of their factory inventory is now in a small museum Called "Museum van het ambacht, Gebroeders de Prins" (trans. Museum of handicraft, Brothers De Prins) in the town of Wommelgem near Antwerpen in Belgium.“ ... n-ca-1960/