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Air 'Leaks' when trying to maintain a buzz without a mp?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:19 am
by Dopey
What better time for a 'I need help' thread :) I tried to type this up a few months ago, but realized it sounded extremely strange and probably all in my head and deleted it. Let's try again..

I am the typical played in college, not played much since, playing again person.

I also have picked up a really really stupid habit living in Sweden, during a time when I was not playing. It's called Snus. It's a bag of nicotine/tobacco that you place under the top of your lip on either side.

It's actually generally considered 'not that bad' for you, and does not have the same cancer related issues of cigs/chewing tobacco in the US... But also i'm an idiot for starting.

One side effect however, you actually form a small 'pouch' in your top lip where you have the snus. Magically a cavity forms to hold your little packet of snus.

Since playing again, I began wondering if this will affect my playing in a negative way. Unfortunately min svenska är mycket dåligt, so i've not had the best luck finding any conclusive studies of brass playing and snus usage -- other than anecdotes of folks saying their former professor would put a snus in right after their lesson.

On to my playing question. I have tried to bring some structure to my practices, and thought to explore buzzing off/on the horn.
I've observed the following:
a.) If I buzz a Bb in staff on the horn, then move the horn forward. I will continue the buzz no problems.
b.) If I buzz F/G in the staff, then move the horn forward.. I experience an 'air leak' from the side of my upper lip between my lip/gum tissue. Changing the buzz.

This behaviour makes me wonder if to maintain a pitch/buzz i'm having to rely on pressure of the MP to my face. I also associate the picthes that have this 'leak' occur without MP pressure to also where I notice my tone thins out.

I'm basically wondering if this:
1.) normal, means nothing.
2.) normal, means I need to improve these muscles and with time it'll get better.
3.) concerning, have damaged my upper lip muscles.

I never practiced buzzing in college, nor ever did this 'routine' in college. Just looking for either reassurance that all of this is meaningless and keep playing, or a red flag :X

(I am actually in process of quitting snus, primarily due to this fear i've developed in my head. I'd be verry, very mad at myself if at 50 I can no longer play due to a stupid 30 year old me. I'm almost 2 weeks without any nicotine/tobacco)

Re: Air 'Leaks' when trying to maintain a buzz without a mp?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:44 am
by Rick Denney
To my thinking, what matters is what comes out of the instrument. If that is affected, then dispose of the habit now while you can. You should do that anyway--no need to continue to live with something you feel stupid about, right?

Arnold Jacobs always used a mouthpiece rim for buzzing demonstrations to isolate the muscles of the embouchure, and building the musculature required not to need the rim at all might actually interfere with the buzz when you are against a mouthpiece.

But what do I know? I've used too much pressure my whole playing career.

Rick "bad habits are not abandoned, but replaced by good habits" Denney

Re: Air 'Leaks' when trying to maintain a buzz without a mp?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:32 am
by Pauvog1
Rick Denney wrote:To my thinking, what matters is what comes out of the instrument. If that is affected, then dispose of the habit now while you can. You should do that anyway--no need to continue to live with something you feel stupid about, right?

Arnold Jacobs always used a mouthpiece rim for buzzing demonstrations to isolate the muscles of the embouchure, and building the musculature required not to need the rim at all might actually interfere with the buzz when you are against a mouthpiece.

But what do I know? I've used too much pressure my whole playing career.

Rick "bad habits are not abandoned, but replaced by good habits" Denney
All of this!

Even with those wedge mouthpieces, I don't know if you could avoid the problem area(s), since our mouthpieces are so large. You could see if it helps though, while you kick the habit.

Re: Air 'Leaks' when trying to maintain a buzz without a mp?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 2:31 pm
by tubanews
I stopped buzzing a long time ago just because I think its a waste of time, but lip rings actually can induce pain, and IMHO contribute to embouchure issues.


"This is just like, my opinion, man"

Re: Air 'Leaks' when trying to maintain a buzz without a mp?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:33 pm
by Alex C
You mention the "Pocket" but does air actually leak while you play? I think that would be an important issue if you want to play to your potential.

Nobody can fix that from their computer, you need to find a good tuba teacher near you and go get a lesson. I remember members of the major orchestras around the nation taking lessons from Jake. If they can realize they need to take a lesson to fix a problem, you can to.

Once you realize that nearly all the instrument does is amplify what you buzz into it, then you realize that the ability to play the mouthpiece is integral to high caliber playing.

Re: Air 'Leaks' when trying to maintain a buzz without a mp?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:37 pm
by Stryk
I admire people that CAN buzz, but I can't do it. I care about what comes out the end of the horn lots more than about what goes in. Call me an old fuddy duddy for that, I guess.