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Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:24 pm
by Dan Schultz
Open heart surgery to replace aortic valve and repair of an aortic aneurysm. I know there is a weight restriction of five pounds for three weeks. After that, return to regular activities are governed by the rehab folks. I know playing my 5/4 will be out of the picture but I have several tiny tubas and euphoniums I could use. What has been the experience of others?

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:32 pm
by Ricardo
I had open heart surgery with pulmonary valve replacement about 11 years ago. I was 33 at the time. Forget about playing for a couple of months. Breathing volume may decrease, weakness in the chest muscles, sore shoulders etc. But for me it all came back to normal after doing rehab.

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:49 pm
by bloke

I'm really glad you came through safe and sound.

Think about that nice pool of yours, and the month you have left to enjoy it - before the weather changes.

Don't worry about playing wootbas, right now. :woot!

I wish you were closer...

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:31 pm
by matt g
@Dan Schultz, I’m not high on experience with your situation, but just wanted to say take your time and get back to good health. My father had 10 stents put in about 3 months ago and is just now getting back up to speed.

Take care!

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:45 pm
by tbonesullivan
My dad went through something similar, with an Aortic valve replacement, bypass (while they were already in there) and a maze procedure for AFIB. Definitely don't rush it, at all. I would definitely talk to your doctor, rehab people, etc.

They just cracked open your chest, and did a whole bunch of things. Bones take a while to heal.

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:50 pm
by bisontuba
Get well soon!

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:19 pm
by Lch3
Open heart triple bypass 3 years ago. My weight restriction was longer than 3 weeks, but I had no restrictions on breathing. I bought a light-weight travel tuba to play at home during recovery during that time just to keep my chops up. When returned to groups, I played a smaller tuba for several months before going back to my 4/4.

As others have said, be sure to talk to your doc.

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:53 pm
by humBell
May i echo the get well soon sentiment?

I had the privelege of loaning a particularly light helicon to a fellow tubaforumer a while back under a weight restriction. Perhaps they will share their wisdom as they think it applies.

I also bit the bullet to see what these here plastic tubas are about. Don't know if it plays well with others, but i like it so far by itself. They sure are light.

Oh, and nothing stops ya from listening to all the music ya want!

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:22 pm
by Stryk
I had kidney cancer surgery about 20 years ago. The surgeon played trumpet in the Birmingham Symphony so the first thing he did was apologize. He had to cut me from front center to back center, which cut my diaphragm, and put me out of playing for a year or so. No restrictions after the first 6 weeks, but it just hurt. Honestly playing was the last thing on my mind - living was the goal. SO glad you are doing fine. Prayers for a speedy and complete recovery!

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:44 pm
by the elephant
Congratulations on getting through all that mess, Dan. We're all glad you are here again.

I would lay off for some time.

Maybe some mouthpiece work, articulation exercises, very light breathing exercises, that sort of stuff.

It's just the tuba; it is a fun thing.

Recovery is far more important.

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:22 pm
by ParLawGod
Prayers for a speedy recovery, Dan!

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:31 pm
by Yorkboy
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Dan!

Please take it easy for as long as the doctors advise -
the elephant wrote:Recovery is far more important.
My dad had a triple A operation about 10 or so years or so ago - diagnosed on a Friday, on the operating table Saturday morning.

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:32 pm
by russiantuba
Well wishes for a successful surgery.

As for playing, do tuba tamers still exist for purchase, where you can get a horn set up and stand and play without the weight when you recover?

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:28 pm
by Jperry1466
Glad you came through it ok. I think you will heal faster than you think, because you have a goal like we all do - playing tuba. Six weeks seems to be a common denominator in healing, but go slow even then. I had a colon re-section that went south on me (17 days in the hospital and 3 surgeries - partly a result of 20 years of taking immunosuppressants for a kidney transplant) in Jan. of 2018. The surgeon left the wound open covered with porcine mesh to heal, so the muscle tissue under my belly button is separated. Docs told me it would likely herniate and it did. I bought my Mack that August and started playing again, with a hernia belt.

Fell this past January and tore the right rotator cuff so badly that the doc had to use bovine tissue to patch it back together; that just affected my ability to pick up and hold the tuba, but I started playing the euphonium in March and am back on the tuba now. I'm just a chicken and a goat away from being a human barnyard.

So I'm going to have the hernia repaired in November, and the doc says it will be day surgery with a "robot", but at least I won't have two giant belly buttons any more. It will be a couple of months before I can play the big horn. Take it steady on the rehab and healing, but go slow.... Your body will tell you when you are up to the horn again. Best of luck and quick healing,

Jim "who seems to be a steady cash flow for doctors or is just too dumb to quit" :tuba:

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 6:59 am
by Rick Denney
Dan Schultz wrote:Open heart surgery to replace aortic valve and repair of an aortic aneurysm. I know there is a weight restriction of five pounds for three weeks. After that, return to regular activities are governed by the rehab folks. I know playing my 5/4 will be out of the picture but I have several tiny tubas and euphoniums I could use. What has been the experience of others?
It must be a great relief to have that aneurism repaired.

Schedules are your enemy. Don’t force anything, but once it comes back, I predict you are going to feel better than you have in a long time.

No experience to share except those close to me who I observed. Sometimes recovery takes longer than they suggest, sometimes not as long. A steady recovery, however long it takes, is far better than a setback.

Yes, I know—hard to slow down even for a while. I pushed too hard after cancer surgery a couple of years ago (airplane travel after three weeks) and had to endure some unnecessary pain as a result. Fortunately, that’s all it cost me (well, plus an extra CT scan).

Rick “better days ahead!” Denney

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:08 am
by scottw
Best wishes for a full --and speedy--recovery, Dan. Surgery is no fun, especially at our age, but we do heal eventually.
I am playing my 1865 Eb saxhorn right now--<10 lbs-- after reverse shoulder replacement in June, but have yet to play the 186. We just have to be patient. :facepalm2:

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:38 pm
by York-aholic
Dan, just like everyone, I wish you the best on a speed, but thorough recovery. Take it easy.

It is human nature after a surgery, that once you start feeling better you think 'hey I feel fine. I'm going to XYZ'. Then we find out that doing XYZ sets you back 3 weeks in recovery time.

Take care of yourself my friend!

Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:11 pm
by djwpe
Good to hear you’re on the mend, Dan. I took 3 weeks off after a thyroidectomy, which is far less invasive than what you had.


Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:40 am
by Fivevalves
Hi Dan - you need to discuss this with your treating medical team but as a rough rule of thumb for recovery (from a UK perspective) from bypass surgery (which is what you're looking at for your valve and Aneurysm repair) is approx 6 weeks to light, sedentary activities, 8-12 weeks for light manual and then 12-39 weeks for heavier manual tasks. As said, rough rule of thumb for an uncomplicated recovery - everybody is different & has a different rate of recovery, YMMV etc

Mouthpiece buzzing may be all you can reasonably manage for an initial period and you will be more tired than you think is possible at times. Don't push it, take your time and good luck!


Re: Recovery Time From Major Surgery

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:21 am
by ParLawGod
@Dan Schultz - was thinking about you this morning. How are you feeling?

I hope all is still going smoothly with your recovery.