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Slowing/Preventing Silver Tarnish

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:37 am
by MedicineMan
There have been plenty of discussions in the past about which products work best for removing silver tarnish, but are there any ways to slow or prevent tarnish in the first place?

My son has a beautiful silver horn. There are no issues with tarnishing on the outer bows or bell, but the interior tubing seems to tarnish very quickly. These interior tubing areas typically don’t get wiped down after playing as they’re hard to reach, but they also aren’t typically touched either.

Any advice on slowing/preventing tarnishing in these inner areas? Thanks so much.

Re: Slowing/Preventing Silver Tarnish

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:57 am
by Doc
You can start the clean up with one of these: ... 678710776 ... /306056484

Or Tarn-X if you're cheap/in a hurry.

Then cover it with this: ... UTF8&psc=1

I ordered 3 yards of it, and my wife is making me a large slip cover/drawstring bag out of it to inhibit tarnish on the brushed silver Blokespecial 186. Like an oversized jewelry bag, but a tuba inside.

Links courtesy of bloke.

Re: Slowing/Preventing Silver Tarnish

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:25 pm
by bloke
Keeping instruments in a case or bag is said to slow it down.

Natural gas heat (I do not know if this is true) is ~said~ to speed it up...
I would be less skeptical, were I to discover that the "ventless" types are the ones to which the "they say"-ers refer.

There is anti-tarnish cloth that can be bought (online, and by the yard) that seems to slow down tarnishing.
Surely (depending on width) one or two yards would be enough to make a bag of it, in which to slip a tuba.

Re: Slowing/Preventing Silver Tarnish

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:42 am
by tofu

Re: Slowing/Preventing Silver Tarnish

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 8:11 am
by bloke
That stinky/watery/sulfur-smelling silverware cleaner makes SHORT work of re-whitening silver on a tuba...

I sponge it on tubas, as I don't have a tuba-size tank of it.

Is it still available?

I have some in a small tank, but wonder if I'll be able to buy more, years down the road.

Re: Slowing/Preventing Silver Tarnish

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 8:28 am
by bort2.0
I've ow ed several silver tubas... And although I don't play as much as I used to (definitely a factor here), tarnish has been a non issue.

Honestly, the only thing I have that's really tarnished is the first mouthpiece I ever bought (back in 1996?). That sucker is almost black. Everything else... No real issues. Yes, a little shinier when I wipe things down, but very shiny as-is.

Maybe nonsense, but does "old silver plating" tarnish differently than "new silver plating"?