You seem to be here often enough to have some personal time.
None of us - likely - works as much as we should...?? could...??
That having been stated:
I work to live.
In the past, I lived to work.
(As long as I've known you, you've chosen geographic locations whereby some of the most confiscatory rulership has established itself.)
The more money I struggle (and pay for those financial gains physically) to make, the higher percentage that is confiscated by our tyrant rulers.
A while back, I decided - as little as I could manage - to stop feeding the beast.
Debts for cars and house?
A long time ago, I realized that those are things to either avoid or of which one should problem rid themselves as quickly as possible.
"I need reliable transportation" as an excuse to purchase brand-new cars: bullsh!t
sick parents - helpless infants - errant children...We've either been through that already, or we'll face those things eventually.
I've been through those things, and still deal with some of them.
40 minute videos...?? not too many, but I don't bother informing others whether I watched them.
facebook reels...?? When trying to get my brain quiet, I scroll past idiot ones, and watch a few (short) informative ones (distinguishing the silly-only-seem-to-be-informative ones from those which are actually useful knowledge), turn the light off, and drift off to sleep.
"news"? (is bullsh!t - avoid)
triggered online/social-media strangers: To me, they're little more than cartoon characters.
future musical instrument repairs?
Buy third world, tear 'em up, toss 'em in the trash, buy replacements...likely: mostly plastic, unless petroleum is outlawed worldwide.