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1964 Holton 345 CC

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:06 pm
by the elephant
FOR SALE $12,000

Against my better judgment and counter to my wishes, it is time to at least offer up my beloved BAT. I have loved the color and weight of this tuba's tone for eighteen years. I am getting too old and fragile to carry it around. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON I AM EVEN CONSIDERING PARTING WAYS WITH THIS OLD FRIEND. I bought a YamaYork to help relieve the pain and stiffness of my joints. It is much better in this regard, and it will help me make it in my job to the end of the line. This wonderful Holton is grinding my old a$$ into the dust. It is HEAVY.

I am NOT pricing this thing to move as I am not interested in simply moving it. I see some of my old horns out there in Tubaland, owned by people who treat them like something Mama and Daddy bought them that they do not truly care for and care about. This makes me a little sick to see, to be perfectly honest. I am looking for someone who is committed to this job field, and who needs to already have a small job (or is hot on the trail of one) to "curate" this horn for me. I do not want some stage mama to buy this for her 10th-grade son who "really likes playing in the band" if you know what I mean.

• removable valve section
• removable leadpipe
• excellent mechanical condition
• raw brass
• no bag or case (A beater leather Cronkhite bag can be supplied for free.)

So I am pricing this fairly. I am NOT making a deal. I am NOT interested in selling it quickly. I am looking for that unicorn of commerce, the Right Buyer. So I am aware that I may *never* pass this tuba on to someone else. I do not need some kid posting in the comments that he can find exactly the same thing on Temu for half my price.

1. No, you can't.
2. What a moron for thinking something like that.
3. No, you can't.


• $12,000 CASH in full at the time of purchase. I do not care if you are uncomfortable carrying that amount of cheese on your person. I don't like rubber checks or other scumbaggery. Cash is the deal.

• You drive out to meet me here in Third World, America, where I can find a suitable space for you to trial this beastie. Bring a tuner and a friend with reliable ears. Play some excerpts. Play some duets. Play whatever floats your boat. You get one hour of my time with me out of the room. You can have another hour if you are not sure, but you won't need it. You can tell in a short time how a horn plays and whether you want it. An hour is a lot, to be honest.

• Shipping? BAHAHAHA!!! Surely you jest. The horn is available now, but I am not, and I have to be available. Since my schedule is, at best, complicated, we must spend some time on the telephone to set things up. If you are one of those people who text only and who have an unreasonable fear of speaking to others on the phone do not contact me. I will be unable to stop laughing at you long enough to take your money. Sorry. Just keeping it real, brah…

This is a very good musical instrument, not good for a BAT. Good. I love it. I fully expect you to love it, too, or I won't sell it to you. If you are some overly fortunate kid who drives a Jag paid for by your Trust Fund please do not call me. If you have been advancing at auditions and need a big horn with good pitch and lots of clarity, hmu…

Approximately one bazillion photos and an excruciatingly detailed description are available to serious shoppers only. No tire kickers. No haggling. No exceptions. I am not a mercado in Juarez.

I hate that kind of sh!t.

PM me here.




Fits most 2165 cases and bags. (The 4th slide may necessitate modifications to the foam blocks in a hard case lid, depending on its design.) Here it is next to the Sellmansberge "weaponized" 6-valved 2165 for comparison…







Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 7:15 pm
by the elephant
Oh, yeah — some additional things…

FIRST: I forgot to add the location. I would meet a potential buyer in Jackson, MS at one of three locations with rooms that are good for tuba testing.

LAST: It was pointed out to me about half an hour ago that you can get a brand new Eastman 836 for this price.

Yes, you can.

It is a choice potential buyers will have to make. This horn is well worth the price. I assure you. I cannot help where importers of Chinese-made instruments set their prices. I think the 836 can be a fantastic horn. I really liked mine — for the month I owned it. But the section liked the Holton a lot better than the Eastman in the orchestra.

However, they like the Yamaha a little better than the Holton.

With the definite weight difference (and again: I cannot emphasize enough to you how important this factor is for me) and the positive feedback from the trumpets and trombones, I decided to sell the Holton.

So, the old issue raises its ugly head once again: shiny and new, or a superior, but used horn. How will you decide to use your filthy lucre? As Karl Malden used to say: What will you do? What - WILL - you do?


Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:46 pm
by the elephant
I did not mean to exclude mature, non-kids who will actually take excellent care of this tuba while using it regularly.

After re-reading my post I realized I had opened this up to a rather narrow band of people. I *do* need to sell this tuba. I refuse to sell it to anyone who I think might trash it because — to them — it is just a thing. I do not want to see pics of this tuba in ten years that show it trashed by someone who does not consider it one of their most valued possessions.

If you want this horn, PM me. Sorry for the off-putting ad copy; this horn means a LOT to me. I want it in the hands of someone who will use it daily, and who appreciates it for what it is.

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:46 pm
by TheDoctor
In an alternate timeline - where I had discovered and managed my attention deficit early enough to have had my s*** together enough to have gained traction in the tuba world - I could have offered to buy your 345 to carry on it’s legacy, but instead I’m broke and penny pinching while waiting for a used chinophone to appear near me, as I prepare to give tubuh kolij one last go. In another alternate timeline I would have kept your old pig when I quit, because it was a good pig. Oh well

GLWS. Hope it finds another orchestra hall :tuba:

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:35 pm
by Sousaswag
Wow. Just wow.

As you may know, I’m having a proper 345 built, and understand the allure of these tubas. You can’t find something like this anymore.

To anybody who thinks an Eastman is the move over this, think again. Look through Wade’s thread. This is ABSOLUTELY better put-together than any of those Chinese made York copies.

These Holtons also have a special character to them that you just can’t get anymore. I would 100% pick this rebuilt from the ground up tuba over something shiny and new.

The right buyer will come along. If I wasn’t having (really, two) 345’s built alongside a 2165, I would want this tuba.

I hope you find a loving buyer who understands and cares about just how much work, time, and effort you put into it. I know everyone who reads your build threads understands.

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:26 am
by MiBrassFS
I was going to post earlier. I even typed it out, but decided I should wait for others to comment first.

My comment?

The name “FrankenTUBAs” strongly suggested a certain (high?) degree of haphazardness in their design and construction. I have seen and played a number (even owned one...) “FrankenTUBAs.” This is not what I would call a “FrankenTUBA” or “FrankenBAT.” That name does not do this instrument the justice it deserves. It may have started out a bit (a lot?) “Frankie” with the first builder, but after the refinement process that has occurred and final results, I really think and feel it deserves something more along the lines of “CustomBAT.”

Well, there it is.

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:32 am
by York-aholic
Yes, this particular tuba has certainly had more research and development done than most tubas that come from a factory.

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:42 am
by matt g
Just adding that this is horn has certainly been a labor of love and all of that love and care is not reflected in the price. If someone did the accounting for how much of Wade’s time was spent building this horn into what it is today, I’d hazard (even at discounted labor rates) this tuba would break even at 3 to 4 times the listed price.

Having recently sold a similar 6/4, I do think these have a different character of sound in comparison to the Eastman and similar “squat” 6/4 tubas. Not better or worse, just different.

I hope the right buyer is out there and can help this transaction go smoothly. Not many tubas like this left out there and I don’t know if anyone is interested in copying the Holton style bell and bows (like Melton did for the 2165).

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:40 am
by Ted Cox
Wade, I love your post! There are a lot of tuba players in the world, but there are few great musicians who happen to express their artistry on the tuba. IF you consider yourself a "sound artist" - this Holton color is rare, and it just might be the sound you have in your soul. When I was 16 (1975) I bought a Miraphone 186 and played it for 17 years. Then, I sold it. For 29 years it was gone, but a few years ago, I bought it back, but it wasn't very well taken care of. It was a great horn then and a great horn now. In 38 years of playing in professional orchestras, I've NEVER asked the other brass what horn they like better. I own 4 CC tubas, and no one in the orchestra notices I'm playing anything different. I sound the same on all of them because the sound in my head is so established (see A. Jacobs) Someone is going to be very happy with this rare and amazing instrument.

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 9:12 pm
by the elephant
Okay, so some examples of who I will NOT sell to:

• high schoolers asking me to give it to them for free because they feel that they "really need it" and that I don't, and to their way of thinking that just isn't fair (three requests like this so far)

• high schoolers who set up GoFundMe accounts simply mooching for money for a tuba with no reason other than that they *want* one but don't have any disposable money right now (one little cretin asked me for a donation just this evening — to help him buy my own horn from me)

• high schoolers who "have no money" but who drive a Dodge Hellcat that mommy's boyfriend got him for his 17th birthday "Dude, imagine the director's face if I strolled into a pep rally with this tuba!" (one asked me on Facebook about a month ago, and the car is proudly on display in his Cover Photo)

• high schoolers, period

Kids: This tuba is not for you. It will never be for you. :gaah:

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:03 am
by The Brute Squad
the elephant wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 9:12 pm Okay, so some examples of who I will NOT sell to:
  • People looking to upgrade from a Chinese cimbasso
(with apologies to TubaBaja. The timing was too perfect for me to not make the joke! :smilie2: )

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:34 am
by TubaBaja
Well "The Brute Squad" hit the nail on the head.
The tuba I want is this 6/4 Holton 345. I saw it was listed last December on Marketplace.
I wanted it then, and I'm still trying to figure out how to come up with the money now!
I've been saving for over a year for an Eastman 836, but only because I thought this Holton had probably sold already.
Btw I'm over 40 and play principal tuba with an Orchestra on my 4/4. Been planning an upgrade for some time now.

I bought the Chinese Cimbasso a few months ago on a whim. It's basically brand new and sounds fantastic too be honest.
If I could somehow sell that for close to what I'm asking for it, I'd have enough for the Holton.
And I'm only a 6 and a half hour drive away!

I completely understand the dislike of Chinese instruments, but I also don't see myself paying full price for a professional model Cimbasso that I will probably get to play twice (optimistic?) with an actual group in my entire life. So for someone like me, who is not a professional, but is also active in several groups all year round, it serves as a fun option if the occasion were ever to rise. I'd keep it, but I'd rather have the money right now.

Sorry to make such a long post on your thread Wade. If I manage to come up with the cash, I'll send you an email separately.

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:14 pm
by the elephant

I Facebook-stalked you and saw you're a Navy vet, so I would definitely be willing to sell it to you. (I was in an Army band many moons ago.) So good luck selling your cimbasso and getting the funds.

To help, I would be willing to meet you in Marshall, Longview, or Kilgore if you could find a way to get us a space like an auditorium or band room at a local school so you can try it out. (A little extra money to cover my gas costs would be a very nice gesture, too, but not a deal-breaker if you can't.)

A folding chair and a shady spot at a Home Depot parking lot will work, too. But you will get pretty sweaty sitting in the Texas heat for an hour, shady spot or not. A parking garage also works and has better sound characteristics, but again, you would need to bring a folding chair. And find a parking garage.

Your coming all the way out to me means you will probably have access to an air-conditioned, large room. I think. I can't guarantee that but I don't see what would prevent it.


If you get the money hit me up. I'm easy to work with.


Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:48 pm
by TubaBaja
Thanks Wade!
I was in the Navy Fleet Bands in Great Lakes IL, and Millington TN for a combined 5 years. Back when I was a full-time Bass Trombone player.
I don't mind driving to Jackson MS, especially if it means staying out of the heat.

I'm going to throw some pictures up on my Cimbasso post and make a Marketplace listing later.
I'll let you know if I make progress.
Thanks again,

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:31 pm
by Mary Ann
If I were nearby I'd just ask to have my picture taken with it.

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:50 am
by The Brute Squad
And here I was just making a joke.... :laugh:

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:00 am
by the elephant
We got your joke. We liked your joke. In fact, one might say that "Yuh done right good, bwah."
Mr. Data wrote:He will need to be fed once a day. He prefers Brute Supplement #25.

And he will require water.

And you must provide him with a sandbox.

And you must talk to him. Tell him he is a pretty brute… and a good brute…

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:39 am
by Casca Grossa
the elephant wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:00 am We got your joke. We liked your joke. In fact, one might say that "Yuh done right good, bwah."
Mr. Data wrote:He will need to be fed once a day. He prefers Brute Supplement #25.

And he will require water.

And you must provide him with a sandbox.

And you must talk to him. Tell him he is a pretty brute… and a good brute…
Oh My God!!! That video just showed up on my Facebook feed and I was about to send it to you. :laugh:

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:22 pm
by the elephant

Re: 1964 Holton 345 CC "FrankenBAT" - EXCELLENT!

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:48 pm
by bloke
I'd rate it at about thirty levels above "franken"...