Low brass Christmas trio sheet music

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Low brass Christmas trio sheet music

Post by marccromme »

Hi, I finally did it: I did heart up a low brass ensemble, to start with tuba (f or c), trombone ( bass or tenor) and french horn. We can also do tuba, euph and french horn.

We are pretty flexible with regards to transpositions and clefs. And found fine sheet music transcriptions, many things for BTT trombone trio do fit, buuuut

So, the big question, what low brass trio music is out there with a Christmas touch?

Any good suggestions?

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Re: Low brass Christmas trio sheet music

Post by Three Valves »

Following. Trumpets bagged. My quintet is now a trio!!
Thought Criminal
Mack Brass Artiste
TU422L with TU25
1964 Conn 36k with CB Arnold Jacobs
Accent (By B&S) 952R with Bach12
The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column
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Re: Low brass Christmas trio sheet music

Post by Jperry1466 »

Our "core" ensemble that meets regularly is a Euphonium, C tuba, and Bb tuba, when we don't have our entire sextet in play. If you are familiar with the free Musescore software, there is a lot of brass trio stuff (and stuff that can be adapted to trio) on the musescore.com site. Changing out instruments with the software is easy, since it does the transposing for you. Most of these started out as trumpet, horn, and trombone trios, so some parts had to be re-voiced after the transposition, but it seems to work well for us. I have trio arrangements of Greensleeves, Away in a Manger, and Feliz Navidad that work well for us. Some of the brass quartet and quintet stuff can be adapted down to a trio as well. With our instrumentation, we have to get pretty creative. Our euphonium plays treble clef, so trumpet parts work for him, and I can play in the F tuba range and usually cover the horn parts. Some of the stuff on the site is pretty good, and other stuff is sometimes pretty weak, but that can be fixed too.
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Re: Low brass Christmas trio sheet music

Post by marccromme »

Jperry, checking out Musescore and doing the transpositions in Lilypond or similar is an excellent idea, I'll check it out. Thanks!
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Re: Low brass Christmas trio sheet music

Post by Snake Charmer »

I have a nice piece for you. I you pm your mail contact I can send you pdfs
:tuba: ...with a song in my heart!
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