Tubas, euphoniums, mouthpieces, and anything music-related.
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This section is for posts that are directly related to performance, performers, or equipment. Social issues are allowed, as long as they are directly related to those categories. If you see a post that you cannot respond to with respect and courtesy, we ask that you do not respond at all.
- an array (yes, ARRAY) of wood-button Hawaiian shirts
- a NICE pair of dress black slacks
- a NICE pair of WHITE dress slacks (which I would NEVER buy UNLESS 50¢)
- some really nice golf shirts (Brooks Bros, etc.)
There were also some multi-$XXX near-new-condition bassehbaw shooz...but - alas - I'm not quite a size 15.
Thought Criminal
Mack Brass Artiste
TU422L with TU25
1964 Conn 36k with CB Arnold Jacobs
Accent (By B&S) 952R with Bach12
The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column