WTH? A Holton 345 with SIX VALVES?

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WTH? A Holton 345 with SIX VALVES?

Post by the elephant »

I did some mocking up; I did some photographing. I even did some measuring.

I checked my parts boxes. I looked through my junk drawers.

I espied my horizons.

I'm going to do it, dammit.

I remembered that the 5th valve section of the 345 is fully removable SEPARATE from the piston section. Further, I realized that zero tools are needed to remove the 5th valve section and swap in a straight piece of tubing, making this a four-banger that wears a little less on my lower back and hips when I lug it around.

However, since the weight difference is not nearly as much as I had hoped I never avail myself of this "feature". (It is nice to know that one day when I have to take apart the rotor to clean it out, replace the corks, etc. I can do it VERY EASILY.

Things I have recently noted about this setup: I have the exact, same Miraphone .837" rotor sitting on my bench, brand new and sort of homeless. I ended up not needing it. The only difference is that the one on the Holton is brass with nickel silver knuckles, and the new one is all nickel silver. The only problem I have with this is my inborn OCD nature.

Further, there is room for another rotor between the 5th valve and the sixth branch of the bugle. Right now it is set up as a mini slide. The valve is attached to the bugle via a very short, snug (and greased) inner/outer slide leg. I have to come up with a suitable connection point between that branch and a rotary valve knuckle. If I can do that I have everything needed here to make a slide, a lever, and a linkage.

Joe added that 6th valve to his old 2165. It was simply a tuning loop and not a usable valve by itself, however, when not in use it was still an extra twist to the open horn. AND IT DID NOT AFFECT HOW IT PLAYED AT ALL. Since that 2165 and my Holton blow so similarly I am feeling safe to believe that another rotor in the open horn would not change anything at all in how it plays.

Boys and girls, I love the six-valve system of my Kurath so much that I am dying to try it out on a CC just to see what it allows me to do, technically. Right now, without moving any slides, the horn plays quite well in tune with a few alternates. Mostly I use 13 on that overtone series (rather than 4) and for low D I pull 1st. (Oddly, bottom line G is only a tad flat and I play it 0.) However, all notes I would use a half step down have to be played 24 as my 1st slide is too short to pull out far enough for 123 to work. And below the staff in certain keys where you have to move around a lot between 13 and 24, I have a hard time at this age. But 136 would be pretty easy. If I ever had to trill Db to D (okay: never gonna happen) 136 to 13 would be a cinch.

So why not? I can make a separate 5th/6th section from one that is just 5th, and swap them out with the straight tube so that this horn could be converted to 4, 5, or 6 valves in ten minutes using zero tools.

Use for this? Probably very little, but HOW FREAKING COOL!

So I was a good dog and did my math, took my pics, made my mockups… and it works!

So I am going to add a 6th valve (that is fully removable) to this tuba because I want to. HAHAHA!!!

It will go here. There is room for a Nerf football between the back piston caps and the 5th slide. Seriously, you could stick a brown bag lunch in there, so a shorty 6th slide will be no problem.

So the 5th unit's inner slide leg is in the way to see how this will fit, but I slapped a bit of the outer tube on the valve as a ferrule and slid it over the connection with the sixth branch of the bugle and you can clearly see that, despite being tight, there is more than enough room for the knuckles without hitting the 2nd piston bottom cap. To clear this the vale has to be installed at roughly a 45º angle whereas the 5th is flat. This does not add to the issues surrounding the linkage and where I want my lever to be, which is suboptimal, at best. But everything *will* work. The blue circles show where the ports will be when the valve is in its correct location.

Oh, no! You can't get to the back cap, so the rotor cannot be removed! REMEMBER: Not only does the whole valve section come off of this tuba, but the rotary valve section can be removed separately from the pistons using no tools.

Another angle from that perspective…

Move that over to the left about an inch and a half and you got it. The 5th will be almost exactly where it goes right now. I can install all this and only have to move the base of one brace to get it all to plug in correctly.
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

The lever would be a hinged bar across the back of the 1st slide that I can access from any position so long as I have my hand on the slide crook. It would be pulled from back to front by my left thumb.


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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

Anyway, I think this will be fun to do, won't cost me anything out of pocket, will be pretty easy, and will add some functionality. Will that be USEFUL functionality? Who knows? I never thought I would like a 6-valved F tuba, and I was seriously wrong about that.

Also, another experiment is to make an extended slide to drop 5th to the flat major third (or 23) used on Mirafones in the old days, which I learned and sort of prefer.

That would make this tuba have 4 pistons PLUS:

• M2 5th
• M3 5th
• M2 5th, m2 6th
• no 5th or 6th

Move over, Jinbao. I'm going to get "more bang for my buck" without you.
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Re: Will this Holton Craziness Never End?

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I eagerly await another excellent build thread!
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

I *thought* I had everything I needed to do this.

I was sadly mistaken. However, I can get by with what I have. I need a 2nd crook for the bore size I am using, and I don't have one. I do, however, have a 1st crook, so I made do with that. Of course, this leaves me with a nearly functionless slide, with a mere one inch of pull, so I had better get this right because there will be next to zero adjustability. <sigh> I am making this so that it will be easy to pull the slide from the valve and make another using the needed crook once I get one. I may play this and decide it is not worth the expense and time. I really don't know yet.

Anyway, I managed to hack together two runners that will allow for the use of a 1st crook. I cut the four needed ferrules and then had to screw around with the two runners, nipping out length bit by bit to try and regain some for the slide legs. It took me forever. Two ferrules and the runners have been soft-soldered to the case of 6, using the crook as my alignment point. This will help me line up the very short legs, which I will cut and install tomorrow… maybe…

Si once again, this is not going to plan, but it will work just fine. In the pics, the crook and its two ferrules are just press-fit. The 5th is still in line with the 6th, so I need to take them apart from one another so that I can fiddle with the angle of the 6th.

I still have to decide how I want to attach this to the bugle. I think what I already have would be good, but the parts have to lose about half of an inch of length to work. Hmm…


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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by bloke »

I feel you on this mod. If I still owned a C instrument and was still fighting low D tuning, I would be scratching my head about a way to get this done... and sure, it dials in other things as well. With the instrument I have, that pitch is obviously now C, is rarely requested in gig sheet music, and the third-valve-alone fake version is remarkably good - which is something to which I wasn't accustomed (but which obviously pleases me).

In regards to that circuit loop, am I still considered to be a manly man if I refer to its shape as "cute"?

Once done, where will you then be storing your lunch?
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

Alas, I must now eat in the car on the way to work.

I finished the 6th circuit. It has a nice pull sans "ting" upon extraction, so despite being difficult to align due to its shortness — I nailed it. Horray, me. I would like to add one of those 186 one-piece braces, but being of a fatter bore, I am not sure if the radius of the crook is the same. I can always fit and install a three-piece brace, I guess.

The 5th and 6th are still on the same plane, and they need to be more than 45º off, so I have to pull them apart, clean inside/outside the joint parts so that I can press-fit them together, and rotate them to the correct angle. There is a small chance that this slide will not fit the space, but I think all my eyes are dotted and tees crossed in that regard. Maybe not.

I have one major issue that I have to ponder as I sleep. (The best time for me to solve problems is when I am not actively worrying about them,) I still do not have a plan for connecting 6th valve to the sixth branch. I have ideas, and all will work, but not as well as what I have. So I need to be getting more sleep at night so I can figure this out.

If I can get this installed to the removable rotary section (well, since that is just the valve and the slide and the two ends that splice them together, I guess it is more like removing the old slide and installing it to this pair of valves) I can make my lever, which is something I enjoy quite a bit.

Connecting that lever to the stop arm on the 6th will be less amusing, but I think I have that sorted already. (I took a nap, you see…)

Porn time…



I hope everyone is having a wonderful day of thanks.
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

Today I continued work on the Holton's 6th valve, and did some work on the Kurath using my lathe, which is the first time I have used it for real work since I bought and rebuilt it.

At great pains I separated the new 5th and 6th valves, joined by Miraphone using what appears to be solder made of 50% tin and 50% anger, based on the difficulty I had taking them apart.

I did facing cuts to the ends of two brass rods, center-drilled each end to a depth of about 10 mm, then tapped them to 4-40. I screwed in some all-thread and trimmed it to length. BOOM. New Kurath linkage rods for 5 and 6. Boring for most of you. Lots of fun for me.

I tore down the Holton and scrubbed that nasty thing out. I had never cleaned it out after having done quite a bit of assemblly work and buffing. It had a big clump of… something… impregnated with tripoli polishing compound in the leadpipe. (It played great, too. Go figure.) I soaked it in vinegar and then hot, soapy water, and as I said before, a lot of gunk came out. Comme c'est charmant.

I finally finished adding the decorative tubing end rings that help stiffen the edges of the outer slide tubes. I decided years ago that they were very attractive but not really worth all the extra work. The issue with finishing the job was that I did not have the next tube size up in the system that Miraphone uses. So I had rings on all the slides save for the large side of the the MTS and either side of the 5th, but with 6th now in need of these, too, and my having an ample supply of the needed tube, I cut five new ones and installed them. At least everything matches now, because it *still* isn't work all the fuss.

Separating the two new rotors allowed me to do more mockup work, which was what I needed, since I was bugging out over a possible miscalculation that might have made my slide unusable. However, the slide has no clearance issues behind the pistons. Nice.

In other news, I am well and truly back to work as in the old days: I burned TF out of my hand. Yep. Good, old Wade is back in the saddle again. I hope my insurance is current…

The COVID is losing its hold over me and I got a lot of work done. I am glad this crap is going away and hope I never catch it again.

Here is a fit test of the 6th slide, but 5th is still attached, and should be nearly 45º over from this orientation. (I get to that later…)

It looks tight, but it isn't. But even if it had been IT'S OKAY BECAUSE IT IS ALL REMOVABLE. Maintenance can be done "off the horn".

Here are the two rotors in their intended orientation. Hey, check out those sexy tube end rings on that slide!

My little Commie DDR laboratory lathe finally got used for actual work today. I did very little, yet I had a ball doing it. I have improved my ability to produce accurate work by a huge amount. I m so stoked to have this very accurate, little device!

Look at that! Dead center, dead straight! I used to work so hard on stuff like this, only to get mediocre results. Now it is easy. I am a fortunate guy.
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

Diese Scheiße klappt bei mir nicht.

I'm working on it, but just about any way you slice it I will have to lose .75" of MTS pull, and that ain't good, friends. I need to think about how short my connection to the bugle can be without becoming *fragile*.

I'm out of here for a few days. I feel the need to chew cud and cogitate.
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by bloke »


Most all of us understand the the difficulty of a contrabass tuba tuning slide being the same length or even shorter than those found on trumpets, horns, and trombones, yet our instruments are four times or at least twice as long.

It's a rare instrument that I acquire which does not require me resetting the tuning range of the main slide so as I've got just enough push for 64° in the winter and just enough pull for 78° in the summer. That uses up just about all of what I have typically, and it needs to be pretty much precision-centered to be able to accommodate those extremes.

I'm not posting anything that Wade doesn't know, but I might be posting something that some of those of you - with generous length main slides - don't have to consider.

Also, I continue to insist that my ears are not the world's best, yet I seem to find myself pretty triggered when I'm not able to play up to pitch or down to pitch at home, so I must be able to "hear" fairly well.
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by MiBrassFS »

Sweet commie lathe! And, nice work!
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by bloke »

I have absolutely no idea...(??)...but - if your 2-3 G-sharp (bottom space of the staff) is typically saggy, a 6th valve could possibly come to the rescue with some sort of combination...

If that pitch - with this instrument - doesn't need any help, consider yourself blessed.
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by York-aholic »

common folklore wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 9:41 am There’s just about no room to shoehorn a fifth valve into a Holton 345

the elephant wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 9:41 am Here, hold my beer. Not only will I get a fifth in there, I’m going get a sixth in. SO THERE!
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Some old Yorks, Martins, and perhaps a King rotary valved CC
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

Thanks; I appreciate that. However, I did not add a 5th valve to this tuba. It came to me with a genuinely bad one in the leadpipe. My first serious work on this tuba was to put a St. Pete rotor where the 5th lives today. Then I made a much more sensible leadpipe. Everything improved.

The *actual* issue was shoehorning a rotor into that improved location but flipped around so that the slide did not look so strange. (It drew comments from string players and vocalists.)

And now for the 10:00 news…

Yeah, so I was reviewing my cache of photos that I study and fuss over, working out not only what I would like to do but also what will be needed and (eventually) the so-called "order of operations" to get me from a cardboard box of parts to a finished project. The photo below was part of an earlier post, yet I did not bother to look at it.

Then the next day I decided that this would not work, based on some mockup work I did. Well, I screwed the pooch with the mockup work, because you can see in this photo that it will work, that it looks like I will have to trim out 3/8" of MTS and not the more than 1 1/4" my mockup told me would have to be removed.

I don't know how I came up with that goofball amount after working it out on paper so carefully—twice—and then even taking this photo. I guess I wanted to believe the negative result over the THREE positive (and correct) previous results.

So yeah: I'm stupid. Film at eleven.


This is a long ferrule that I requested Miraphone add to this custom valve via a larger knuckle. It will act as the "outer slide tube" for a union between the bugle and the valve section. However, the other half that lives on the 6th branch is one tube size too small for this ferrule.

Explanation: When I altered the 6th branch and deleted the dogleg from this tuba, to get what I wanted to be tucked into where I wanted it to live, the end of the 6th branch had to be reduced a tiny bit in OD (about .333 mm) and the end of the current ferrule had to be stretched a little to fit over it. I decided that the exit port would be tapered up to meet the actual OD of the sixth branch small end by Miraphone at the factory so that it fits correctly. So I identify all these tube sizes by their part numbers rather than their sizes. It is easier for me to remember that a 186 uses tube 82 for inside slides, 83 for outside slides, and 83 and 84 for both legs of the MTS. The Holton now has 82/83 tube sets on all four pistons and the small side of the MTS, the old York sousaphone crook expands pretty much exactly from the bore of tube 82 to the bore of tube 84, so the big side of the MTS, 5 and 6 all use 84/85 leg sets, and the exit of 6 is an 85-sized knuckle with an 86 ferrule to mate up with the tuba's bugle.

So, with that out of the way, the sixth branch's small end has a ferrule of 85 containing a bit of 84, which the 5th unit slides onto. The whole thing is held rigidly to the bugle via three braces, and to the valve section by serving as the large outer slide tube for the MTS. This has worked out well for me for years now without any sort of issues.

The NEW union will be essentially the same, but one tube size larger. So now the ferrule will be an 86 with a stub of 85 that will act as the inner slide for the 86 ferrule on the end of the rotor case. This continues the taper correctly and removes a very small crimp in the 6th branch. The difference is so small that there will be no discernable difference in how the horn acts, but it will make me feel like my work is one notch less like something I did in my carport, heh, heh…

My panic yesterday was based on when I stacked some parts together (a second time, well after the below photo had been snapped) and showed me that the bottom edge of the current 5th and where the new 5th would land meant that over an inch of a 2.5" slide leg would have to be cropped out. I can't do that to this tuba. So I had to step away from the bench and take a break.

Just now I noticed in this photo that the 86 ferrule is touching the brace between the sixth branch and the larger branch below it… and the ferrule I installed only extends about three mm beyond that…

So that entire valve section is only 3 mm farther up the line than it will be when installed.


Now, if you look at the BLUE CIRCLE you will note that the MTS is out about half an inch. One thing that threw me off is that the outer MTS legs are about 6 mm too short. I found that I needed the MTS to be out a little rather than I like, and I wanted more meat (overlap) in the leg pair. I installed longer inner legs but never came back to correct the outers. So this means that when the MTS is pushed in, the slide sticks out of the outer tube by about a quarter of an inch. So the gap shown is only a quarter of an inch, internally. If the whole assembly has to come down about 3 mm from the brace in the RED CIRCLE (which is about an eighth of an inch) and the MTS is only extended a quarter of an inch, this means that for this to be installed and the MTS to be fully inserted and the horn at the same length over all that is currently is, I have to trim out 3/8" of pull from the large side and nothing from the small side.


Again, I am not sure why my last mockup was so far off. I will look at this tomorrow. It still may not fit as I need it to, but this photo tells me that it will.

Sorry this was so "long-form" but there was no other way to explain how my addled brain works through problems. This is how I think and what I have been thinking of regarding this mess.


Oh, in a little postscript: I tested negative last night at about 11:00 and again this afternoon around lunchtime. To badly paraphrase Frank Zappa: COVID has just left the building.


For the tragically interested, here are the nominal dimensions of these tubes, by part number…

ID - .769”
OD - .800”

ID - .802”
OD - .835”


ID - .837”
OD - .863”


ID - .865”
OD - .897”

ID - .899”
OD - .928”
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

Wow, I was tired when I wrote that. I just edited more than a dozen typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors. It hurts to read your own writing and come away thinking, "Wow, what a moron that guy must be…"

I had not slept more than three hours a night for the last week or so. Last night, however, I caught up, sleeping about 12 hours. It was glorious, plain and simple.


And then I was clear-headed enough to read that mess and edit it a bit. I think it may be a little more clear now.

At least I ran spellcheck.

Wow… :wall:
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by bloke »

I can either see nor type with this phone - nor keep track of where I am in a paragraph. If you're using your phone to do some of your posting, you are a posting god.
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

The options available to me to make this work are woefully few. I may have to pack it in on this one and admit defeat. I had to walk away for some time for several reasons, and am now seriously looking at how to connect a lever to is — anywhere.

I am also now considering a dependent 6th in the 4th circuit, but that would require some expensive mods that I do not wish to undertake.

Hmm… I suppose I'm going to sit here for a while, scratching my head and drumming my fingers on my benchtop…

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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by bloke »

Us and our capos and our double neck guitars, oh yeah and our stomp boxes...
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

The valve fits into the space one way only, which is the orientation that prevents any sort of practical access to the stop arm for a linkage to a lever in a usable spot.


The Miraphone valve stem is needlessly long. The bearing itself is more than long enough to keep things in proper alignment. The stem (beyond the bearing area) is simply to fix the stop arm. In examining said stop arm, I see that ………

Crap… be right back…
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Re: WTH? A Holton 345 6th Valve?

Post by the elephant »

Like the valve on the right that I just photoshopped…


I could center-drill and tap the stem to the needed depth so that once it was trimmed the hole would be ready to accept the stock screw. The head of the screw is wide enough to prevent the stop arm from being knocked out of alignment once fully tightened. This could work. It would not match the rotor right next to it, but no one would G.A.S, but me.

The cork plate is the actual criminal, here, though. But a few whacks with a Dremel would correct the small bit of interference without affecting the bumper height, the cork plate's ability to hold the bumper securely, or the swing of the <shortened> stop arm. This would make routing a link arm much easier.

Hey, hey, hey… this could be the ticket. Time for me to return to scratching my head and drumming my fingers on my benchtop…
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