The friendly-to-me community band - which allows me to come-and-go - was where I tested out this keyboard bench in other-than-home-practice situations. I did this last night, because one of the horn players in that band is also a band director, and I had three new euphoniums to deliver to them. Yes
@YorkNumber3.0, they were unbelievably excellent JP euphoniums.

Anyway, none of the other tuba players (??) were there, so that made it extra fun, because I could completely control the tuba section's volume, attacks, the way the sound would taper off at the ends of beats when playing marches, and all sorts of things which one cannot control when there's a tuba section.
Anyway, the portable keyboard bench works out just fine - supporting both my not-small rear end and the large tuba on the same surface, and I think I'm not going to build it up to its original height, but just put a 3/8" dense foam rubber pad (found ond eBay) on top of the really densely-tempered Masonite platform, put the vinyl upholstery back on, and just let it be an inch and a half shorter, which is plenty tall and ends up being the height of a standard chair.