All of the valves work and feel like new valves, all of the valve casing caps screw on and off - and feel like new caps. (' wasn't sure I'd get to this point, with this particular pile of junk...)
Slides #'s 1,2, and 3 slide in and out nicely.
#4's fit is marginal. I'll be monkeying with that one.
I won't reinstall the main slide dogleg until I'm satisfied with #4.
Once the last two of the above punch list are addressed, the bottom bow (and replacement used cap), bell, and mouthpipe will be remounted.
There are still hours of work left to do.
I dislike working on these very much, thank-you, and - once put back as they originally were - there (no offense to anyone, but...) isn't very much to show for it.
I'm told I resent science. I use a good bit of arithmetic, a bit higher mathematics, geometry, general science, and physics to get something like this back as it originally was...but that discounts "touch", and "avoiding detours" aka "doing dumb stuff" (as - without avoiding detours - I would never get hopeless crap such as this back as it originally was). Also - when boiling everything down to science, the emotional aspects of working on instruments such as this (as an example: hate) are ignored.
bloke "I wouldn't buy this for what I'm charging to fix it, because I would feel guilty selling it for that much or more - and it ain't all that much money."