Asa result of my addiction I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the used tuba market, what’s out there and what you should have to pay for it. Over the past two years, after all this looking, I have only found a few things that actually interested me. I came real close on a Cerveny made Conn 99J, but decided I didn’t want to go “CC”. My little Kanstul I did pull the trigger on, because I thought I could use a smaller, lighter horn for certain occasions. I felt $1000 was a great price, but I do wish it had a fourth valve. Other than that, no complaints.
Now for the frustration part: Doesn’t anyone even TRY to take good care of their horns anymore? I HATE DENTS with a burning passion. When you find an interesting tuba, 99% of the time you are told “has dents, dings, scratches, and wear as can be expected on a used tuba”. I just can’t do dents. After two years my King is still dent free, and I intend on keeping it that way. My Kanstul came with only one TINY “ding” type dent, and it bothers me, even though it shouldn’t. I’m thinking about having it taken out. The repair guy will probably laugh at me and ask why I would even bother. And most of the used horns you see have a LOT of dents. Why are dents inevitable? Why can’t people just be careful, for cryin’ out loud!

My friends, I know some of you are thinking I’m some kind of anal-retentive nut case, but I’m sorry, I just hate dents. That’s it. That’s my jam. Trying to find a used horn without dents seems to be the impossible dream. Opinions? I am prepared for snide remarks, sarcasm, and whatever else comes my way.